General info:
Working Title: browser window title, favorites: save title
* DO NOT USE characters that browsers tend to replace in a url/querystring or are reserved as functional separators, such as: #, ?, &
* Better not use double or trailing characters, like spaces, dots
* DO NOT USE the characters and keywords reserved by this engine as functional separators: _ , ; & MODULE= DATA= &ID=
* If you want to zip/compress your querystring do not use: @ &Z=
Gene/Locus info:
A gene represents a trait or property of an organism. It is like a switch. The alleles (next tabpage) are the on off positions.
Allele info:
The alleles are the different forms/mutations of a gene. Decisions are made here about the appearance of the organism.
Gene symbol: Allele symbol: omit ":", also see tips below Full effect: Heterozygous, partial effect: only used if applicable Epistatics and Wildtype Wildtype is the default on start-up |
NEW: Debug your allele effects with the Testmodule directly - Note: gene and allele data should be somewhat complete !
* The alleles are processed in sequence/order on the whole or per gene as indicated below
* A mutation that blocks other genes entirely like 'albino' should be processed first; "effect is epistatic" can be used to stop processing on the whole
* Per gene the alleles should be in 'order of dominance'; if you want the processing to continue to consider the remaining alleles, you need to implement the alleles as "semi-dominant"
* Use combinations to clean up the phenotype outcome, eg. (het.mutation 1) + (het.mutation 2) = (intermediate phenotype)
* Sometimes you must implement a dominant (or even a multiallelic recessive) gene as "semi-dominant ..."; use different case effect text (eg EFFECT or Effect or effect) to work/differentiate with in a 'combination'
* Recessive is also used for 'split' section in the calculator
* Use ^ for superscript: A^B => AB
* Make sure that superscripts (use ^ ) don't overlap, eg. A^g and A^gl: name them A^g and A^Gl
* [part] and (part) can be ignored in the picture retrieval proces; [part] can also be used as a second language in some calculators
* In some special calculators the pictures can be layered, see here
* Else the name of the picture, that must be uploaded somewhere, should match the name of the color outcome, without spaces, with the correct extension and path (first tabpage)
* Slashes "/" in effect name are not recommended, eg they are used in the url to the picture
Combinations info:
Use these to fine tune your Outcome descriptions. There is a Testmodule now (tabpage Querystring: Runtime Module).
can be used to order phenotype aspects (groups are not labeled), and show multiple pictures per specimen; not required Words 1: (Exact match) Words 2: (Exact match) Words 3: (Substitutions)
NEW: Debug your combinations with the Testmodule directly - Note: gene and allele data should be complete !
* Use combinations to implement epistatic effects other than total white out ... ;-)
* There is a testmodule that can show all substitutions step by step, when things get complex (tabpage Querystring: Runtime Module or "Testmodule" link above); example on next line:
* Use different case and () and [] or - suffix for differentiation of certain effects, eg heterozygous effect; example Horse tobiano/sabino/roan linkage implemented as alleles of one joined gene, having overlapping/redundant effects: Testmodule
* when zipping, Initcap, lowercase and () work best
* New combinations are default applied last; Order is critical in some situations, and can be changed below
* Sometimes leaving a word can reduce the need for more combinations, example: (mutation 1) + (mutation 2) => (mutation 2); note: word(s) 3 left empty here
* Example 'Epistatic combination': Llama calculator => piebald spotted + roan = blue eyed white; requires "special action" at allele level
* Remove words from phenotype can be used for so called 'Enablers', genes that affect others but do not have effects of their own; example: white shield pied genes in pigeon
* "if outcome is empty ..." can be used as the phenotype when no mutations are present. This way the wildtype/default alleles do not have to be assigned an effect
* Crossing Over can also be used to link genes with unknown distance; just set to 0; and use the appropriate modules of course
* The engine removes excess spaces
The querystring, being part of the url, contains the data used by the calculator engine for your species
Runtime Module: empty to use standard flexmodule and save space in querystringSome browsers can't handle querystring that large. Tips to keep it small:
* Title of calculator or name of gene/locus are not necessary. Keep short or omit.
* You can zip the resulting querystring by means below. Only use that zipped version for publishing though.
* When you zip do not use "@" (or "#" or "&"), trailing "." or spaces, exotic usage of "(" and ")".
* Use initcap words (eg Word) and lowercase (eg word) for use in combinations. Also (Word) and (word) is possible.
* Do not edit the zipped string; publish with the hyperlink to the bottom right
* Always backup the original querystring. Check the zipping function by toggling repeatedly, lengths should be stable in each state (if not send me your data)
This Gene overview table will be shown in your runtime calculator:
Gene-info comes here...Save:
(save all "saved" steps beyond session)
The data used by your calculator resides in the querystring/url to your calculator.
To permanently save your data you can add to favorites.
For this you have to make sure that the current data is reflected in the address bar of your browser.
You can use the reload hyperlinks below to do that.
Then you can "add to favorites" in your browser.
Saved changes this session:
Click hyperlink to revert; opens in an new window/tabpage of your browser