Nederlandse versie (Dutch version)


Dun is an allele of the Dominant White locus; it dilutes black areas on a chicken to a brown tint.




Silver duckwing Dutch bantam * Buff Rosecomb bantam

e+/e+,co+/co+,i+/i+,S/S * EWh/EWh,Co/Co,Id/i+,s+/-


Notice the brown tint (dun) on the buff rosecomb in the back







F1 (2006):


100% rosecombed;

Silver Ginger pullets, 50% black (i+/i+) patterned, 50% dun (Id/i+) patterned






 50% White Blacktails



Note: the white band in the tail was not persistent.


50% White Browntails





F1 * P

Backcross of a dun patterned silver ginger female (no picture) to a “golden” duckwing Dutch bantam male (see picture below)

EWh/e+,Co/co+,Id/i+,S/- * e+/e+,co+/co+,i+/i+,S/s+




F2 (F1*P) results (2007):


50% het Columbian Co/co+,

males silver (S/S or S/s+) females silver (S/-) or gold (s+/-),

50% black patterned, 50% dun patterned


50% non Columbian (co+/co+) duckwing (e+/e+,co+) or het wheaten (EWh/e+,co+) type,

males silver (S/S or S/s+) females silver (S/-) or gold (s+/-),

50% black patterned, 50% dun patterned

The females were duckwing type partly without salmon breast (due to wheaten EWh?)


The non Columbian dun patterned are the desired phenotype Fawn silver duckwing:



Note the equal distribution of the brown pigment compared to blue (Bl/bl+)



Chick down color of the dun patterneds:



In the picture above the middle chick is a Columbian type (Co/co+), in the picture below it is the bottom most chick.

In the duckwing chipmunk pattern (co+/co+) the dun stripes almost merge with the wildtype brown central stripe or are very faint.




Further goals (2008):

Salmon breasted single combed females

Purebreed silver males (S/S)


F2 male * P silver duckwing Dutch bantam females