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Save BETA CFFOP solver
General algorithms
OLL corners. algorithm R U R' U R U2 R'
- No solved corners. No topcolors in the front face. apply algorithm, reassess.
- 2 solved corners adjacent. solved corners to the right. apply algorithm, reassess.
- 2 solved corners diagonal. solved corners to the right/front and left/back. apply algorithm, reassess.
- 1 solved corner to the front/left. apply algorithm, if necessary repeat.
PLL corner side colors to the same side, T Perm R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U' R U R' F'
- 1 side with solved corners. Solved side to the left. apply T Perm algorithm.
- 0 solved corners. apply T Perm to get 1 solved side, turn to left, apply T Perm again.
PLL edges to match the corners. U Perm R U' R U R U R U' R' U' R2
- 1 solved edge. Turn it to the back. apply U Perm algorithm, reassess.
- 0 solved edges. apply U Perm to get 1 solved edge, turn to back, apply U Perm again.