You can also use mouse. Arrow keys for whole cube manipulation.
my own BETA "meet in the middle" solver
Make bars and align. Doable.
Get the corner side colors of the top layer to the same side. Algorithm R U R U' R F U' F U F
- 1 side with solved corners. Solved side to the left. apply algorithm.
- 0 solved corners. apply algorithm to get 1 solved side, turn to left, apply algorithm again.
Turn bottom layer to the top and repeat.
Note: R = R2 etc... , 180o turns only.
If you have a fixed side hold it to the left.
If not hold the side to the front that gets "solved" if you do a R2 turn. Do that, quarter turn middle slice, undo R move.
If that's not the case do the below until it is the case for the other 2 sides.
Use R2 and U2 moves to fix. In some cases you have to do this for the opposite side as well.
If you have the middle layer mirrored do R2 E2 R2.
First solve the middle layer. Doable.
Determine where the top/bottom colors go.
Solve one top/bottom side with Bars exchange method.
Last layer (bring to top): exchange corners. Algorithm for top right corners R U R U' R (U' D) R U' R U R (D')