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Brown, allele symbol eb, is the least dominant of the e-locus alleles, except maybe for a rare mutation called recessive wheaten.

Revertant of extended black

The Brown mutation has an additional point mutation (amino acid change) compared to the Extended Black mutation, that counteracts a few of it's effects.

Degree of dominance

eb is mostly recessive.

Phenotypic effect

Brown is a black enhanced chicken color.

chick down

Helmet, but other head patterns are possible.


A black enhanced form of the black breasted (wildtype) phenotype, with only little difference: typically more black markings in hackle and saddle, and mostly dark underfluff.


Resembles the wildtype hen but for the absent salmon breast area, that is stippled instead.




Brown is suitable for creating some nice chicken patterns, because black pigment is present on the female's breast:

Also a good base for columbian with nice contrasting hackle markings. Also less smutty on the body than e+.

  • Columbian Wyandotte
  • Lakenvelder

Solid black

Needs a few more melanizers than Extended Black or Birchen but would be an excellent base for a yellow legged solid black chicken.