Twist tips:   Show: tips - collars - inner edge pieces - outer edge pieces - big centers - (actual) centers - (center) point pieces - face or plane

  Exp. Jing solver  

The tips are leading. Orient them toward the plane that borders all 3 tips that have a certain color. Centers will be solved last.

Bottom layer:

Step 1: Bottom inner edges: find the fitting piece and bring it into the face of its not bottom color, with the bottom color in the plane. Bring the plane to the front. If it is in the bottom already, knock it out with below algorithm(s). Being at the front of the bottom.

Start with the side holding the piece you want to insert with a minimal degree of wideness. The other side's wideness should encompass the target site.

If the piece is to the left: top 3Lw Rw' 3Lw' Rw   bottom Lw 3Rw' Lw' 3Rw   If the piece is to the right: top 3Rw' Lw 3Rw Lw'   bottom Rw' 3Lw Rw 3Lw'   Or for us humans: down down up up starting with the side of the piece.

Step 2: Complete the bottom diamonds, meaning tips plus collars. Doable.

Step 3: Outer edge pieces. Work with intersections, alternating wide and non wide moves, depending on orientation of the fitting piece. Note that the edge pieces are not unique, and you have to figure out which one you need.

Lower Inner edge pieces layer:

Note the pieces are not unique, find out which one to fit. First part of algorithm is similar, except begin with bringing the targetsite down. Additional 4 moves at the end:
Down down, up up; then U turn the bottom color section away in the dominant direction. Turn with the dominant move to the back (same as 4th). Restore U-turn. restore dominant turn.

If the piece is to the left and target to the right: top Rw' 3Lw Rw 3Lw' Uw' 3Lw' Uw 3Lw**   bottom: move piece to top level first by next algorithm*** and reassess.
If the piece is to the right and target to the left: top Lw 3Rw' Lw' 3Rw Uw 3Rw Uw' 3Rw'***   bottom: move piece to top level first by first algorithm** and reassess.
If the piece is on the same side, bring it over to the other side with a U-turn first.

Order of the next 2 sections may not be critical.

Upper Inner edge pieces layer:

You can move the third layer to match a(ll) correctly oriented inner edge(s).

If one piece is solved and the other 2 are (oriented) wrong, unknown algorithm. Shouldn't happen?

Bottom Outer edge layer:

Work with intersections in the bottom layer, and eventual subsequent restorations of the bottom layer. Front face.
Bend the target(site) down into the conveyor slice. U-turn the fit(ting piece) out of the conveyor if necessary. Move the conveyor up. U-turn the fit in. Conveyor down. Bend fit up to target.
If fit and target are at the same level, move the fit up in a same manner.

Middle Outer edge layer:

The pieces must be in this layer.

Situation 1: If one piece is solved and the other 2 are (oriented) wrong, put the correct piece to the back and apply algorithm: Rw' Lw Rw Lw' Uw Lw' Uw' Lw -- down down up up, U away, repeat 4th, restore U, restore 4th

Situation 2: If the 3 pieces need to be shifted clockwise: Rw Uw' Rw' Uw' Rw Uw' Rw' -- Note the U' usage. up U-turn down U-turn up U-turn down U-turn. U turn opposite clockwise.

Situation 3: If the 3 pieces need to move anti-clockwise: Rw Uw Rw' Uw Rw Uw Rw' -- Note the U usage: see above, U turn opposite clockwise.

Situation 4: If none of the above apply, move one correctly oriented piece to the correct position with one of the above shift moves, and reassess.

Top diamonds:

align the top piece with the side pieces to complete the top-diamonds.

Top Outer edge layer:

The pieces must be in this layer. Note that the top diamonds are leading here.

Situation 1: If the 3 pieces need to be shifted clockwise: 3Rw U' 3Rw' U' 3Rw U' 3Rw'. Note the U' usage.

Situation 2: If the 3 pieces need to move anti-clockwise: 3Rw U 3Rw' U 3Rw U 3Rw'. Note the U usage: U turn opposite clockwise.

Center points

For orientation "mirror" the front and bottom faces. Front/upper face big center has top, left and right points. Bottom/down face big center has bottom, left and right points.

To switch upper left point with bottom left: (3R 3U' 3R' 3U)*2 D' (~)*1 -- ↗ → ↙ ←   ↗ → ↙ ←   D'   ↗ → ↙ ← -- right side: (slice up, 2nd layer (3U) right, down, 2nd layer left) twice - bottom counter clockwise (D')***** - first algorithm again once

To switch upper right point with bottom right: (3L' 3U 3L 3U')*2 D (~)*1 -- ↖ ← ↘ →   ↖ ← ↘ →   D   ↖ ← ↘ →   -- left: ~ up ~ left, down ~ right twice, D *****, once

To switch upper left point with bottom right: (3R 3U' 3R' 3U)*2 D (~)*1 -- ↗ → ↙ ←   ↗ → ↙ ←   D   ↗ → ↙ ← -- right: ~ up ~ right, down ~ left twice, D *****, once

Note: Setup moves can be applied. 2nd layer = 3rd layer from the top = 3U. Right slice goes through left point, and vice versa. First U turn is in the leaning direction of the other slice (↖ means ← -- ↗ means →).
Make pairs of points first (in case you want to switch to other people's methods). Last switches can be a bit tricky*******. The actual center pieces are switched by this method, but can be fixed later.
***** After the first 2 repeats move the bottom/down face targetpiece to the back (bottom point position) by a D or D' turn. Then one last repeat.
If you only do the first (2) repeat(s) there are additional changes in the other centers. This algorithm w/o D-turn is in fact the center switch algorithm**** on its side.

    ******* Situations:
  1. If you have 2 big centers solved, then exchange the points one by one between the other 2 big centers. Probably exchange (actual) centers****.
  2. If you have 1 big center solved, then exchange the points one by one between 2 other big centers, fixing one of them. repeat. Probably exchange (actual) centers****.
    ******* If you are really stuck, try this hypothetical method:
  1. Fix the pairs of points or complete them for all planes/faces.
  2. Try to fix the actual center pieces by **** or big center method. ignore the points.
  3. If they don't fix, try to fix them by switching 3 big centers, see below (parity fix).
  4. Then try to match as many big centers as possible with their actual center by ****. Then match those fixed big centers with their plane, see below. All actual centers should match their plane now.
  5. Start exchanging point pieces between the unmatched big centers to make progress.
  6. Fix the actual center pieces by **** again if necessary.
  7. Note that solving the points directly in their matching plane does not guarantee that a parity fix is not needed, and that would unmatch them again.
    Or (preventative):
  1. Before matching up the points make sure the actual centers don't have parity.
  2. Match the points in their matching plane. Actual centers go back and forth, so parity should not occur anymore.
  3. Fix the actual center pieces by **** if necessary.

Big centers and actual centers can be switched by similar algorithms. Parity issues can be fixed by big center fix. See below.

Big Centers

Switch front and bottom (and left and right) big centers: (3Rw' 3Lw 3Rw 3Lw') * 3. -- Down down up up 3 repeats.

If 3 centers are switched (parity fix): solved to bottom. align other centers with their bottom row. 3Rw 3Uw 3Rw' 3Uw 3Rw 3Uw 3Rw'. Top outer edge layer will be unsolved, fix it (see above). Reassess.

Actual Centers

Switch front and bottom (and left and right) single center pieces: (3R' 3L 3R 3L') * 3****. --note: single slices. Down down up up 3 repeats.