Kippen Kleuren Calculator | Chicken Color Calculator

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New: on line COI Calculator, Wright's Coefficient of inbreeding  Zijn mijn dieren ingeteeld ? | Are my animals inbred ?   |   More Genetics Software, new Demos ...

Haan/Sire/Hahn/Mâle Hen/Dam/Henne/Femelle  
Kies kleur Naar Kip Calculator
Choose color To Chicken Calculator
Wähle Farbschlag Zum Hühner Kalkulator
Choisir une couleur à Calculateur de Poule
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Help Sorry, No Picture yet Sorry, No Picture yet Snelle Samenvatting NL

Fast Summary EN
METHOD 1 (above): Choose colornames | Kies kleurnamen
METHOD 2: go to chicken calculator directly | ga meteen naar de kip calculator
METHOD 3 (below): Compose your chickens | Stel je kippen samen

Haan/Sire/Hahn/Mâle Explain Phenotype

Verklaar Fenotype

Kippengenen overzicht | Chicken colorgenes
grondkleur/groundcolor/Grundfarbe/couleur basale:
tekeningkleur/patterncolor/Zeichnungsfarbe/couleur de dessin:

Hen/Dam/Henne/Femelle Explain Phenotype

Verklaar Fenotype

Kippengenen overzicht | Chicken colorgenes
grondkleur/groundcolor/Grundfarbe/couleur basale:
tekeningkleur/patterncolor/Zeichnungsfarbe/couleur de dessin:

Chicken Calculator | Kip Calculator | Hühner Kalkulator | Calculateur de Poule | Calcolatore di Polli | Crossing-Over Calculator | Forum format

New (extra genes added and more):
De nieuwe Kip Calculator !   |  The new Chicken Calculator !  fully featured with Tab-view, Tree view, Browse functionality and more
NOTE: To link to this flagship calculator and not miss updates use:

Snelle Samenvatting NL | Fast Summary EN

new METHODs:

Try Chicken Quest
You can find out the genes of your chickens by answering question by question, one trait at a time.

Select 2 breeds of chickens and do a cross

Find the breed of chicken first

Kip Calculator - Chicken Calculator
The original basic Chicken Calculator with a lot of hints and visual examples about how the genes work. Only colorgenes.
This one is translated into the languages below. When you get the principle of the calculator try the new chicken calculator
with a lot more features and genes, which you can add yourself on the fly!

French version: Calculateur de Poule

Italiano: Calcolatore di Polli

español: Calculadora de Pollo

Deutsche Fassung: Hühner Kalkulator

Nederlandse versie: Kip Calculator

The Chicken Calculator is extendable now !!! Go to Plug-in version. | Go to Wildcard version (Radiobutton layout)

Beta-version Chicken Crossing-Over Calculator
This module is a bit costly and complex for the novice because all Crossing-over combinations are considered/shown,
even the ones without any noticable effect. Includes "Explain Phenotype" functionality.

Chicken Quest Calculator
This special module is the new version of the chicken calculator with colorgenes (including autosomal red) and a lot of other genes that affect appearance of your chicken.
No crossing-over percentage, but with linkage hacks. Also pictures for shank color (best guess) and combtype.

Chicken Composer Calculator
Includes "Browse" feature! When changing groundcolor or patterncolor, the effect on all the different patterns is immediately shown.
It is best used as a switchboard to other calculators, though it is a fully functional calculator.

Go to basics/overview chicken genetics

Not covered or simplified:
autosomal red
See Demo,
some recessive melanizers,
the unknown black inhibitors in the Buff phenotype (tail and wings).
Crossing with extended black often causes persistent silver/gold leakage in hackle and saddle of cockerels. Probably due to lack of recessive (unknown) melanizers.

Read more about Eumelanin/Black Diluters here...   Note: the Calculator can deviate for unknown diluter combinations.

Illustrations are meant as a basic indication of the phenotype. Text description should not be ignored!
Also read the footnotes...

Intro | Basisstof erfelijkheid | Erfelijkheid van Kippenkleuren | Kippengenen | Andere diersoorten calculators

English intro | Basics of genetics | Genetics of Chickencolors | Chicken genes | Other species calculators

Kies een haan en een hen en kruisen maar.
Je kunt handmatig alle genen in stellen of een algemene kleur kiezen (knop "Show examples", is een beetje traag).
Ook kun je via deze webpagina of via het luxere Breedbook een kleur kiezen.
Geen idee wat die genen doen? Je kunt het effect ervan laten zien, of je kunt met de keuzelijstjes spelen (locus = gen, zie ook basiskennis).
Naast resulterende genotype en kleurbeschrijving heb ik geprobeerd om voor veel kleuren een schematisch plaatje erbij te plaatsen.
Voor de minder algemene kleuren is er slechts één plaatje voor beide geslachten. Laat je hierdoor niet verwarren, het geslacht staat erbij.
Je kunt kiezen voor onafhankelijke overerving of gekoppeld voor de patroongenen (zie de tabel met kippenpatronen oranje en rood).
Kies een of twee nakomelingen om mee verder te kruisen (zie opmerking hieronder over onfokzuiverheid).
Je kunt nu ook meerdere nakomelingen onthouden voor latere kruisingen. Terughalen met "Recall"-knop.
Niet geïnteresseerd in genotypes of doorkruisen? Verberg al die resultaten en laat alleen de kleurensamenvatting zien.
De berekening gebeurt op je eigen PC, niet op de webserver.
Als de dieren op te veel genen verschillen of onfokzuiver zijn dan kan de berekening erg lang gaan duren.
Afhankelijk van je webbrowser wordt dan herhaaldelijk gevraagd of je er mee door wilt gaan/ het script wilt stoppen. Kan geen kwaad.
Dit is een manier om de tijdspanne te vergroten zodat je minder vaak hoeft te klikken.
Programmeren is keuzes maken; neem daarom bij vragen zeker even contact met mij op via mijn website of via het Kippenforum
De kipcalculator kan in principe zonder internetverbinding functioneren. Plaatjes hier downloaden.
Laatste nieuws en updates hier

Voor sommige patronen (pelling, dubbel en enkelvoudig gezoomd, lovering) is het gunstig om gekoppelde overerving te gebruiken.
De knop "Use linkage" wist echter een hoop instellingen.
Daarom kun je deze knop gebruiken om geselecteerde/opgespaarde dieren te wissen.
Het vinkje bij "Hide genotypes" kan een aantal zaken versnellen als je alleen in de kleurensamenvatting geïnteresseerd bent.
De grootte van de plaatjes kun je ook instellen voordat je een kruising uitvoert of de voorbeelden laat zien.
Er zijn vele hints beschikbaar. Zweef daartoe over knoppen, plaatjes, teksten.

Basisstof erfelijkheid
Erfelijkheid van Kippenkleuren

Kippengenen overzicht

Zeer goede Kippen Genetica website door Karen Hall (engelstalig)

Typische Zoogdier Vachtkleur Genetica

English: Choose the parents and do a testcross.
You can manually adjust all the genes or you can pick a common color (button "Show examples", is a bit slow).
Also you can pick the colors from a list via this webpage or via the high end Breedbook interface.
No idea what these genes do? You can visualize their effects by pushing a button, or alter the gene-lists (locus = gene, see basics).
Besides resulting genotypes and color descriptions I have tried to add a schematic picture for as many colors as possible.
For less common colors there is only one picture for both genders. Don't be fooled because the gender is indicated in the outcome description.
You can choose independent segregation of genes or choose strict linkage between the patterngenes (see table with chickenpatterns orange and red).
Pick one or two offspring to do a further crossing (see remark below about impure genotypes).
New feature: you can select one or more offspring for later crossings. Recall them with the "Recall"-button.
Not interested in all those genotypes or do further crossings? Just hide al those coarse results and only show color/gender summary.
The calculation is clientside, no risk of jamming the webserver.
If the animals differ on too much loci/genes (too much heterozygosity, impure genotype) then the calculation can be very CPU and time demanding.
Depending on your browser you will be repeatedly asked to stop or continue/ end the script. This is harmless, don't worry.
This is a workaround to increase your maximum script run time to delay that popup.
Software engineering is making choices; therefor contact me when you have questions or comments via my homepage or mail to "spmdmp at" or visit the dutch Chickenboard
The Chicken calculator is able to function without internet connection. Pictures downloadable here.
Find the latest news and updates here

For some patterns (autosomal barring, double and single lacing, spangling) it is favorable that you use linkage.
The button "Use linkage" however resets the calculator.
You can use this button (twice) to clean up the animals you selected for later crossings.
The checkbox "Hide genotypes" could speed things up if your only interested in the color summary.
The picturesize can be changed prior to calculations and "show"-features.
There are many hints available. Just hover over buttons or pictures.

Basics of genetics
Genetics of Chickencolors

Chicken colorgenes table

Excellent Chicken Genetics website by Karen Hall

Typical Mammal Color Genetics

Andere soorten:

Duif | Kruisingsschema maken | Konijn | Cavia | Kat | Eend | Putter | Goudvink | Rijstvogel | Kanarie | Hond | Koe | Oog- en haarkleur Mens
Voor alle calculators geldt: ontbrekende plaatjes zijn welkom. Experts zijn welkom voor vragen en aanvullingen.
Fouten graag terugmelden. Via of mail naar "spmdmp at"
Er is vaak een instapversie met kleurenlijstjes en ALTIJD een gevorderden versie met genen-lijstjes (van daaruit).
Deze programma's zijn niet bedoeld als het eindpunt van je zoektocht naar Genetica-kennis, eerder als een beginpunt.

zelfbouw / uitbreidbaar:
Goudvis, Koi | Rode Rattenslang | Parelhoen | Pauw | Goudfazant | Bosfazant | Kalkoen | Muskuseend | Gans | Mandarijneend | Carolina eend | Nandoe | Varken | Paard | Ezel | Schaap | Damhert | Kangaroe, Bennett Wallabie | Chipmunk, Grondeekhoorn | Geit | Lama/Alpaca | Gould's Amadine | Zebravink | Japans Meeuwtje | Chinese Dwergkwartel | Japanse Kwartel | Diamantduif | Lachduif | Valkparkiet | Rosella | Grasparkiet | Catharinaparkiet

Genetica Calculators door Anderen (oa. Paard, Lachduif, 43 soorten Papegaaien en Parkieten)

Tip for hyperlinking to the flexible / self-built / extendable calculators:
After clicking these hyperlinks you see the url in the address field of your browser eg for the guinea fowl:
You are taken to a direct hyperlink to the calculator and some extra info about the species involved.
If you use this address (url) instead of the direct links to the calculator you always get to the latest version of the calculator.
New: replace the "#" character by "?run=" to get a direct link ! eg.
Warning: if you copy the direct url eg.
you will NOT pick up the changes that I made since you made your hyperlink.
You can use the "wizard" link to adjust one of these flexible calculators, and add to favorites, etc...

Other species:

Pigeon | Punnett square generator | Rabbit | Guinea pig | Cat | Duck | Goldfinch | Bullfinch | Ricefinch | Canary | Dog | Cattle | Human eye and haircolor
Note for all calculators: missing pictures are welcome. Experts are also welcome for review.
Please report errors. Via or mail to "spmdmp at"
There is often a step-in version with colorlists and ALWAYS an advanced version with gene-lists (from there).
These tools are not meant as an endgoal for your genetic knowledge quest, more like a kick off.

self-built / extendable:
Goldfish, Koi | Corn Snake | Guinea Fowl | Peacock | Golden Pheasant | Ring necked Pheasant | Turkey | Muscovy Duck | Goose | Mandarine Duck | WoodDuck | Rhea (ratite) | Pig | Horse | Donkey | Sheep | Fallow Deer | Kangaroo, Bennett Wallaby | Chipmunk, Groundsquirrel | Goat | Llama/Alpaca | Gouldian Amadine | Zebrafinch | Bengalese | Button Quail | Japanese Quail | Diamond Dove | Ringnecked Dove | Cockatiel | Eastern Rosella | Budgerigar

Genetic Calculators by Others (eg. Horse, Ringnecked Dove, 43 species of Parrots and Parakeets)

Duif Calculator - Pigeon Calculator
English version Pigeon Calculator Advanced thanks to Dave Walters
Not covered in these versions: the many pied genes, gimpel/arch angel, almond-series, opals, icy, kite, reduced.
The Toy stencil gene complex has been simplified to one single gene and has no effect on Recessive Red here
(see "Pigeon Calculator Next Gen" for complex implementation and Rec.Red action).

Exceptional in pigeon genetics is that the Blue/Brown/Ash Red gene influences both eumelanin and pheomelanin pigmentation. It may be 2 closely linked genes.
Spread and Recessive Red have significant epistatic effects on other genes.
There are a LOT of genes involved in pigeon colors!

But there is a new generation of Pigeon Calculators now !!!  Go to Plug-in version, Pied Pigeon Designer and Pigeon Calculator Next Gen.

Kies een doffer en een duivin en kruisen maar.
De kleurkeuze is nog beperkt, maar meer kleuren kunnen aangevraagd worden via Breedbook
Ik houd me aanbevolen voor duivenkleuren experts en genetici om het programma te verbeteren.
Bijvoorbeeld de diverse genen voor bonte patronen zijn grotendeels onbekend en daardoor nog niet meegenomen.
Doorkuisen met de nakomelingen is mogelijk.
Deze webpagina is tevens een demo hoe je de genetica calculator kunt aanroepen voor andere soorten dan de kip.
Zelf even de genen opsommen, logica schrijven over hun effect, en nog wat kleinigheden.
De Breedbook database kan op verzoek worden aangevuld.
Nieuw: advanced optie. Stel zelf het genotype samen; handig voor onfokzuivere dieren.
De engelse versie heeft de typische duivenhouders manier van genotype notatie. Ontwikkeld met hulp van engelsman Dave Walters.
Dave heeft een zeer goede duiven(genetica) website: National Federation of Flying Breed Pigeons, UK and heeft een eigen frisse kijk op de calculator.
Probeer zijn versie eens of lees de handleiding die hij erbij geschreven heeft.
About pictures and permissions | Over plaatjes en toestemming

Choose the parents and do a testcross.
The colorlists are limited but new colors can be requested via Breedbook
I recommend myself for comments of pigeon experts and geneticists for improvements of the programm.
For instance: the pied genes are not well understood and therefor not implemented.
You are able to continue crossing with one or two offspring from your testcross.
This webpage is also a demo how the genetic calculator engine can be called for other species than chicken or pigeon.
You only have to list the genes, write the logic how they express (dominance/epistatics) and a few other things.
The Breedbook database can be updated by request.
Includes advanced option. Genes are pickable from lists for heterozygosity.
The english version has the Pigeon Fancier way of Genotype Notation. Developed with help of Dave Walters.
Dave has a very good pigeon (genetics) website: National Federation of Flying Breed Pigeons, UK and has his own unbiased version of the calculator.
Try it or read his manual!
About pictures and permissions | Over plaatjes en toestemming

Punnett Square Calculator (Other species)

Flexibele Kruisingschema Generator (Punnett Square).
Ideaal voor biologieles of voor fokkers van andere diersoorten die snel een uitgebreid kruisingschema willen maken.
De invoer moet wel gebeuren zoals de voorbeelden aangeven (of de validatie hints, automatisch aanvullen), en zonder onbedoelde typefouten, maar goed.
Ook staan er enkele schoolvoorbeelden van kruisingen en erfelijkheidsprincipes.
Zelfs het geslacht van vogels en zoogdieren wordt bepaald, ondanks dat deze een omgedraaid aantal geslachtschromosomen hebben.
Ook doorkruisen is ondersteund. Een fenotype beschrijving is slechts mogelijk voor de opgenomen soorten, tenzij je je eigen genen eerst toevoegt.
Nieuw is de 'design' optie waarmee je je eigen versie kunt maken van een geprogrammeerde calculator.
Verder de optie om je schema in wiki formaat te gebruiken, etc...
Kan zonder internetverbinding werken.

Flexible Crossing scheme Generator (Punnett Square Calculator).
Suitable for biology class or breeders of other animal kinds that want to write out a (complex) crossing.
The input is to be done correctly, see examples/validation hints/intellisense, without unmeant typo's, but then it works.
Examples of crossing and genetic principals are present like monohybrid, dihybrid, sexlink cross.
Even the gender of birds and mammals is determined, despite their reversed sex chromosome counts.
Of course you can continue with crosslings but a phenotype description can only be given for the listed species, unless you 'formally' add your own genes.
New is the 'design' option to create your own version of a programmed calculator of mine.
Also wiki format export option, etc...
Can work without internet connection.

Other species, autocomplete:   Go      * = no crossing over percentages.

Hareditary: Rabbit Calculator (Konijn / Kaninchen)

The Rabbit Calculator is extendable now !!! Go to Plug-in version. | Go to Wildcard version (Radiobutton layout)
Both include red enhancer, silvering, blue eyed white, Lutino and wideband.

The genetics for this species are typical for many domesticated mammals. The 'recessive red'option however still allows some black expression that complicates matters. The genes for english and dutch spotting may be linked.

Revised december 2020: rabbits
No sex linked colorgenes. Other mammal species may need gender determination: see Cat Calculator.
Pictures mainly from the excellent website.
Includes advanced option. Genes are pickable from lists for heterozygosity and rare colors.
You can convert to German gene symbols!
Wildcard support is possible in a few new versions for this species.
About pictures and permissions | Over plaatjes en toestemming

Cavy Calculator (Guinea Pig / Cavia / Meerschweinchen)

Cavia Calculator (Deze versie probeert tegemoet te komen aan de nederlandse TT-kleurnamen)

Slate Blue and Lilac dilution are mutations at the "Pink Eyed Dilute"-locus.
The typical Blue dilution gene D of other mammals is not found mutated in this species yet.
Not covered: 'California' mutation that causes black points on top of other colors, unlike the himalayan with only a white body.

New addition to the family of genetic calculators: guinea pigs.
No sex linked colorgenes also. See remark above.
With help of the finest dutch/belgian guinea pig experts!
Includes advanced option. Genes are pickable from lists for heterozygosity and rare colors.
About pictures and permissions | Over plaatjes en toestemming

Warning: the calculator can be a bit crude for this species. The breeders are very precise people.

Cat Calculator (Kat / Katze) (old theory)
Tortoise shell in cats is a combination of 2 sexlinked red alleles (O-locus).
Due to random inactivation of one X chromosome in female body cells there is an irregular pattern of red and black.
Tortoise shell males are not possible with normal chromosome composition (X//Y). However Red females are possible and fertile.
"Light lilac" in the calculator is often called "fawn".

New insights:
The mechanism of ticked/blotched (classic tabby)/mackerel is apparently revised. The one gene in the calculator has been replaced by 2 genes.
The gene T has the dominant allele Ta causing the ticked/abysinnian look and the recessive wildtype allele t, which allows the other tabby patterns.
The gene Mc has the dominant wildtype allele Mc, causing the Mackerel pattern ("tabby" in calculator); the recessive allele mc allows the blotched / classic tabby.
A third dominant gene Sp causes a spotted instead of a striped pattern.

Simplified Demo for new insights
Furthermore there is a dominant modifier to the Dense/dilute gene d: Dm. Blue becomes Caramel, and Cream (diluted red/orange) becomes Apricot.
In the Norwegian Forrest Cat, the Amber mutation has been found. This is a progessive reddening effect and probably due to a mutation on the Extension gene (MC1R).
This would mean a variation on "recessive red"!

New addition to the family of genetic calculators: cats.
First mammal with sex linked colorgenes. See remark above.
Under construction. There are some copyright issues for the pictures.
Therefor this site is not public (but still free to access). The link is provided for the following reason:
It is the only example how to implement the genetic calculator for mammals with sexlinked genes.
Usage is confidential !
Includes advanced option.
About pictures and permissions | Over plaatjes en toestemming

Very interesting web page about cat colors and patterns. Worth a visit!

Duck Calculator (Eend / Ente)
Silver Appleyard is combined "restricted mallard" and "light phase".
Silver Callduck (Meeskleur) is combined "dusky mallard" and "harlequin phase", a more extreme form of "light phase".
Butterscotch phenotype looks a lot like (2 doses of) "blue dilution" plus "light phase" (apricot silver appleyard).
Light phase and Harlequin phase add a lot of white to the phenotype, except for the brown breast color (claret) of the drake which is extended.
Blue dilution is amplified by "extended black" (E). Without extended black the 2 dilution steps (single or double factor) are less apparent.

New addition to the family of genetic calculators: ducks.
Effect of Buff dilution is not fully integrated (or understood by me).
The genetics of the white bib probably involves extra genes; implementation is simplified.
Includes advanced option.
Muscovy Duck see below.
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Goldfinch Calculator (Putter / Stiglitz)

New addition to the family of genetic calculators: european goldfinch (Putter, Carduelis carduelis).
At special request! Includes split aspects.
Includes advanced option.
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Voor meer informatie: (dutch bird board)

Bullfinch Calculator (Goudvink / Dompfaff, Gimpel)

New addition to the family of genetic calculators: bullfinch (Goudvink, Pyrrhula pyrrhula).
At special request again! Includes split aspects.
Includes advanced option and from there special Beta-version accounting for Crossing-over percentages!
The latter is my first calculator that calculates percentages including Crossing-over and keeps track of the chromosome in question.
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Voor meer informatie: (dutch bird board)

Ricefinch Calculator (Java sparrow / Rijstvogel)

New addition to the family of genetic calculators: ricefinch (Rijstvogel, Padda oryzivora).
Includes split aspects. Thanks to Henk de Vos.
Advanced option only.
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Voor meer informatie: (dutch bird board)

Canary Calculator (Kanarie)
Mosaïc is brought in by crossing with a related species and not fully understood. Not covered yet.

New addition to the family of genetic calculators: canary (Kanarie, Serinus canarius). Revised januari 2012!
Under construction. Includes split aspects. Thanks to Wout van Gils and Inte Onsman ( MUTAVI ).
Advanced option only. You can choose between classic and bird fancier genotype notation
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Voor meer informatie: (dutch bird board)

Dog Calculator (Hond / Hund)
Black in dogs is mostly dominant, except in german shepherd (recessive black, Agouti-locus).
Red dogs (ranging to cream by unknown factors) can be Sables (Agouti-locus) or Recessive Reds (Extension-locus).
Sables often have black hairs eg. on their ears and can be Masked, Recessive Reds can not.
Mask is the most dominant Extension allele, Dominant Black being on the K-locus, as is Brindle. Both are typical Extension-alleles for other mammals.
Brindling only shows in red/yellow/tan patches of the coat, but is yet thought to be hypostatic to recessive red/yellow.
Mutants at the albino-locus (C) are very uncommon in dogs. Whitening effects (not spotting) are most often due to unknown factors diluting the phaeomelanin (red/yellow pigment).
White spotting around eyes and ears can impair those organs. Merle dogs should not be crossed for the homozygotes are also impaired.
Problem: merle is only visible on dogs with eumelanin (black/brown pigment), except maybe for the eyecolor. So red/yellow and merle should not be mixed.
Saddled (black and tan-like but paler) phenotype is probably not caused by a separate agouti-allele ( as ) but by a modifier on top of black and tan at.
Not covered: graying factor (eg. Terriers), Roan (resembles ticking, eg. Hounds).

Dog Coat Color Genetics website by Dr.Schmutz

The Dog Calculator is extendable now !!! - Go to Plug-in version.

New addition to the family of genetic calculators: dogs.
No sex linked colorgenes.
With help of dutch dog genetics expert Marjolein Roosendaal.
Includes advanced option. Extendable version supports pedigree 'record' keeping.
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Cattle Coat Color Calculator (Koe, rundvee / Hausrind)
Wildtype extension E+ is said, by some, to be recessive to both dominant black E and recessive red e. It is highly variable in nature.
Agouti-locus has little influence on cattle phenotypes.
The Lineback and Colorsided phenotypes are very similar. Some suggest different dominant White Spotting alleles for these because
Homozygote colorsided animals (eg "double" Witrik) are almost white, like Nellore white. Linebacks (eg. Pinzgauer) have their color as homozygotes.
Alternative explanation would be a White Spotting booster gene. Most white spotting phenotypes are very variable, possibly due to such modifiers.

AI demo (KI-demo)

New addition to the family of genetic calculators: cattle.
No sex linked colorgenes. See remark above.
Under construction. At special request by the Holland Dexter club.
Includes advanced option.

The AI-demo is my first calculator where individual animals can be chosen for crossing simulation,
in this case a list of bulls that can be administrated in a separate database (textfile).
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Calculator for human hair and eye color (demo)

New addition to the family of genetic calculators.
For those not interested in animal genetics, but in our own...
We all know it is not difficult but how was it again?
No internet connection required. Pictures downloadable here.

The following are 2nd Generation Calculators:

These are extendable and editable by an on-line Calculator Design Wizard.

Goldfish and Koi Calculator Demo (Goudvis / Goldfisch)
Still figuring out this one, but it shows how the colors can be mixed.
How can one combine grey/blue with red/orange and white? I guess by diluting the black melanistic flecks. No such diluter included.

Corn Snake Calculator Demo (Rode Rattenslang / Korn Natter / Pantherophis Guttatus)
On special request.

Chicken Autosomal Red Calculator (Demo)
Note: This module can NOT be plugged into the chicken calculator (see further below)!
Silverbuff is a Serama color. Normally it has dark lacing on top of the silver buff color. You can get gold base-white lace-dark lace feathers!
Some, if not most fellow fancy geneticists, think that the Red enhancer in question is the wildtype allele itself, common in most breeds but unable to express like this.
In that case read Ar as Ar+ and ar+ as ar. My interpretation is that the "Serama-red" is a more potent red than the usual Autosomal Red.
My alleles would be Ar for Serama-red, dominant to ar+ (or Ar+) as wildtype autosomal red, on it's turn dominant to "inhibited red" ar, the latter not implemented.
The "inhibited red" would be contributing to absent salmon breast and clean silver shoulder of silver duckwings. One difficulty here is that heterozygous wheaten also inhibits salmon breast.
Wildtype Ar+ would for instance result in exhibition red shouldered homozygote silver duckwing cockerels.
Autosomal Red can be multiple genetic factors. No need to say that the status of all this is hypothetical.

The Calculator Design Wizard (new Beta-version)

If you managed to make a good calculator for a new species or a better version of one of mine, send it to me and I can publish it on this page!

Proud to present the first one by someone else!
Mouse Genetics Calculator
This link is specially zipped for users of Iexplorer. Visit the original page at Dino's wonderful creatures (Firefox or Chrome)

alternative Mouse Genetics Calculator (2021)

Maak je eigen Genetica Calculator !!!

Je kunt nu zelf alle informatie ingeven om je eigen calculator te maken. Je kunt zelfs je eigen foto's laten verschijnen.
Daartoe moet je ze wel in een map op internet hebben ge-upload en moet je je foto's net zo noemen als het berekende uiterlijk zonder de spaties.
De on-line Wizard is het eenvoudigste om zulks te maken.
Ook kun je de querystring in de adresbalk van je browser aanpassen en opslaan door toe te voegen aan je favorieten. Geen typefoutjes maken.
Alle gegevens worden namelijk in de adresbalk van je browser gepropt. Je kunt niets verstieren, behalve je eigen experimenten.
De querystring gegevens zijn uitwisselbaar tussen de diverse flexmodules bv. de Rasek layout.
Maximum gegevenslengte is ongeveer 2000 karakters. Spaties (=%20) en dergelijke gebruiken tot 3 posities.

Door creatieve oplossingen kun je ook vrij complexe afleidingen maken.
Gebruik liefst unieke termen of verschil in hoofd/kleine letters, en plaats de genen en combinaties in de goede volgorde.
Voorkom dat Allel-symbolen met superscript (gebruik ^ ) elkaar overlappen, bv. A^g en A^gl. Noem ze bv. A^g en A^Gl .
Gebruik nergens komma's of punt-komma's en bij plaatjes ook geen schuine streep "/" in de effect-beschrijving. Ook geen dubbele spaties!

Create your own Genetic Calculator !!!

You can provide all information to make your own calculator. You can even illustrate it with your own pics.
Upload in one internet folder and name the pictures as the outcome without spaces.
The on-line Wizard-page is best suited for editing this info.
You can also edit the querystring that contains the info by hand and save it by adding it to your favorites. No typo's!
All info is stored in the querystring in the address bar of your browser. You can not mess up anyone's data but your own. It's safe.
Querystring data is fully exchangeable between the flexmodules eg the Rasek layout version.
The general limitation of querystring length is about 2000 characters. Note that spaces (=%20) and special characters use up to 3 positions.

By clever combinations you can even make more complex calculations
Use unique terms as much as possible or different upper/lowercase, and move the genes and combinations in optimal order.
Make sure that Allele-symbols with superscript (use ^ ) don't overlap, eg. A^g and A^gl. Name them eg. A^g and A^Gl .
Never use comma's or semicolons and for pictures don't use slashes "/" in the effect-descriptions. Also no double spaces!

Guinea Fowl Calculator, new theory (Parelhoen / Perlhuhn)
In my region, the Netherlands, the autosomal Dun mutation(s) is mimiced by a sexlinked brown diluting mutation, that is strangely ignored. The combination with Lavender results in a range of diluted colors, from lite lavender to white, and sometimes pheomelanin enhanced toward chamois. These resemble the colors by the combination of autosomal Dun(s) and Lavender. The calculator uses those color names, because phenotypical similar colors should not be called after the causing mutation i.m.o.

Peacock Calculator (Pauw / Pfau / Pavo cristatus)
This calculator covers the common mutations available in Western Europe. There are a lot more.
Pied is the combined effect of the White ( W ) and the Pied ( wpd ) mutations of the same gene ( W ).
Homozygous Pied gene gives the so called "Dark Pied" phenotype, indicating less white patches as the combination W/wpd.
In the calculator treated the same as "White marked" (het/split white) for simplicity.

Golden Pheasant Calculator (Goudfazant / Goldfasan / Chrysolophus pictus)
Note: This calculator is hypothetical. The known mutants are implemented as autosomal recessive.
There are more mutations like peach (oranje), cinnamon (kaneel), pied (bont), white (wit), isabel and brown (bruin?).
If you have information about their genetics or pictures please contact me via or mail to "spmdmp at"

Ring necked Pheasant Calculator (Bosfazant / Fasan / Phasanius colchicus)
Melanistic/Tenebrosus and Buff are incomplete dominant mutations. Purebreed birds are more extreme colored.
Neckring is not present in all subspecies of Phasanius colchicus.
Wheaten and Melanistic can suppress the neckring. Wheaten has less black pattern.
If you have more information about ring necked pheasant genetics or pictures please contact me via or mail to "spmdmp at"

The below calculators are under construction:
Simplified Turkey Calculator (Kalkoen / Truthahn)
Sources: Robertson et al, Asmundson et al,
Cröllwitzer, Ermine Ronquieres (Hermelijn) and Royal Palm (see pic above) is the combined effect of the Palm/Gray-, Blackwing- and Narragansett-mutations.
Partridge (Patrijs) is Blackwinged Bronze. Yellow shoulder (Geelschouder) is probably Calico.
Black uniquely is a diluter of Red pigment, while Slate/Blue has little effect (Robertson).
The Palm mutation is implemented at the Recessive white locus C.

Genotype List based experimental calculator
Use button "show list" to view the genotype list.

Warning: naming conventions in turkey colors are still in early stages. Any advice welcome.

Muscovy Duck Calculator (Muskuseend / Moschusente, Warzenente / Cairina moschata)
Note: Lavender is also called Self-blue because it inhibits certain patterns. This effect is not yet applied. Lavender plus Chocolate gives Cream.
The other Blue is often laced and is semi-dominant. 2 Doses gives Pearl-grey or Silver. 1 Dose combined with Chocolate gives Lilac (Isabel), 2 doses give Buff.
Since "Atipico" does not always have a visible effect in adult plumage, and other self/unicolor effects are poorly documented, these are not included in the calculator.
Sepia/Faiogeno may be the same as "Bronze".

Muskus Eend Calculator (Nederlandstalige versie, met dank aan Norbert Schollaert)

Goose Calculator (Tamme gans / Hausgans)
Goose Calculator, with spotting as autosomal *
Note: normal white geese are Sexlinked Diluted (dimorphic) plus Pied *.
A dimorphic female is (diluted) grey, a male, if double factor, is white; if single factor he should resemble the female.
2 Doses of the semi-dominant Blue dilution gives an almost white bird, sometimes called Silver.
Some breeds of Blue geese are claimed to be a purebreedable (dominant) Blue.
For that situation just use Silver and Blue both as Blue Phenotype in the calculator.
Lilacs or creams, combinations of Blue (or Silver) with Buff, are not yet documented. As are combinations with all these and sex linked diluted.
There are dimorphic pied breeds, probably due to another pied gene or a modifier, else they would be white.
* = The spotting gene Sp, also Pied or Saddleback pattern, may be an autosomal gene.

Mandarine Duck Calculator (Mandarijneend / Mandarinente / Aix galericulata)

Under Construction with Dark phase and Light phase
Note: Sexlinked color mutations. Inofficial Gene symbols.
Many thanks to Pierre Terran, Iwan Meester and Michal Bugajski for their insights and pictures.
The calculator sometimes uses pictures of animals with extra Dark phase mutation (autosomal dominant) or Light phase mutation.
I call the Black mutation "Dark" to avoid confusion with the dutch nomenclature (Donker wildkleur)

WoodDuck Calculator (Carolina eend / Brautente / Aix sponsa)
Note: Sexlinked color mutations. Inofficial Gene symbols.
Thanks to Pierre Terran and Michal Bugajski!

Rhea ratite Calculator (Rhea americana / Nandoe)
The south american ratite (zuid-amerikaanse loopvogel).

Pig Coat Color Calculator (Varken / Schwein / Sus scrofa)
Note: The western pink skinned pig is called (dominant) white.

Although the genetics are simple this is a typical mammal with an effective Agouti-locus and a full range Extension-locus.
Main pigments are eumelanin (black) and phaeomelanin (red). The agouti-locus influences patterns of distribution of these pigments.
Order of dominance is mostly from phaeomelanin rich to poor and opposite for eumelanin.
Thus recessive black is the most recessive Agouti allele in most mammals.
Most dominant Agouti allele in some mammals renders completely red which can be as pale as white (goat, sheep). In pigs this is not the case.
The extension locus is quite the opposite. The more dominant alleles boost eumelanin up to full black (Dominant Black),
while the most recessive allele (Recessive Red) renders a red animal without any black. As in pigs. Agouti has no effect anymore in these extreme extensions.
It is more about all or nothing than functional distribution of pigment like in agouti. Brindle is often at this locus (exceptions: dog, cat)
In the pig calculator no diluters are covered (no documentation found). Diluters can dilute one or both pigment kinds.
Typical eumelanin (=black) dilution effect is brown/chocolate or blue/smoky. For red it is yellow or cream.
Next to diluters most mammals have a form of white spotting (white = no pigment) ranging from small marks to full white.
These mutations are not very favorable in nature. Some are quite unhealthy!

Pig Coat Color Calculator, new Tab-view Tree-view module ! (Varken / Schwein / Sus scrofa)

Horse Coat Color Calculator Old version, no linkage (Paard / Pferd / Equus)
Horse Coat Color Calculator with Crossing Over and KIT Linkage (BETA)
Horse Coat Color Calculator with Crossing Over and KIT Linkage (BETA, zipped version)
Note: True white horses are very rare. Most common white spotting is Sabino.
More on Horse Genetics... | More on Horse Colors...
The Przewalski horse is Dun on Light Bay (light yellow dun). Dun causes the wildtype striping.
The Light Bay = wildtype agouti allele is not very common in domestic horses. Choose another agouti locus for more illustrations.
Alternative hypothesis to Light Bay is a dominant gene called Mealy/Pangare giving the lighter muzzle, underside and such.
Note: Only the 2nd calculator has linkage and crossing over implemented for Extension and KIT(Dom.white/Sabino/Roan)/Tobiano.

More on Sabino, Tobiano, Roan and KIT...

Colorlist Portal, powered by Breedbook database:
M * V
M * F Go

Jennifer Hoffman's Horse Coat Color Designer webpage
Jennifer Hoffman inspired Horse Coat Color Calculator (Paard / Pferd / Equus)
This special module is inspired by Jennifer Hoffman's excellent Horse Coat Color Designer.
In this module the pictures of the coat colors are layered.
This enables a lot more illustration than in the old modules (one picture per coat color).
The composed pictures of the crossing result can be shown by clicking the blank picture area (original module only).
Only base colors are shown directly.
How does it work?
For color aspects to be layered on top of the base color do the following:
In the wizard tabpage "Alleles info" fields "Full effect" and/or "Heterozygous, partial effect" add a minus sign "-" at the end.
The "end color" is split on this sign into its components and the layers from top to bottom are in the order of start to end of the color desciption.

Click picture above for a summary by Dr. Sponenberg, main source to the calculator and remarks below.
Jennetic calculator, Donkey Coat Color Calculator (Ezel / Esel / Equus asinus)
Note: Ivory or Blue eyed cream is an almost white color. Recessive in nature unlike the Cremello mutation (Cream dilution) in horses.
There is a chocolate/brown gene in donkeys unlike in horses, but it is not well documented or easily recognized. Bay donkeys are rare and have dark legs.
The color of the donkeys knows 3 main areas: body, points (muzzle, eye rings, belly, upperleg) and trim (mane and tail).
Chestnut (recessive red) of donkeys is called sorrel. Russet phenotype is similar but with black trim.
Donkeys can have light points or dark points on any color, although dark points are only common in non sorrel animals.
Dark (non-dun) donkeys with dark points are completely dark (black). Dun sorrels are called light sorrels or rose duns.
White Spotting combined with Roan gives dark eyed white. Roan is dominant on non-sorrels but recessive on sorrels!
White spotting (dominant) is everything from facial blaze to large white patches. Stars are not considered white spotting.
Smoky phenotype, a dark gray with visible wildtype striping, is not covered nor well documented.

Sheep Coat Color Calculator (Schaap / Schaf)
Note: White sheep, like white goats, are in fact very pale cream, yellow or red animals (no expression of eumelanin pigment i.e. black or brown).
Most agouti patterns in sheep are intermediate.
Grey is the "white underwool" phenotype. Shaved animals have dark head and extremities with a light body.
English blue sheep often have a tan spot beneath the eye. It is an agouti variant.
Found no documentation on occurence of recessive red, still it is already included.
Not covered: the Phaeo gene, colors white areas, being pale cream, back to red/tan. White spotting is not affected.
Another term for brown in sheep is moorit. Dominant black sheep (Extension-locus) should resemble recessive black sheep (Agouti-locus).

Fallow Deer Coat Color Calculator (Damhert / Damhirsch / Cervus dama)
Note: This calculator is hypothetical. The known mutants are implemented as autosomal recessive.
The combination of Melanistic and Menil is undocumented.
The gene symbols are not the official ones. A recessive melanistic mutant is probably at the agouti locus. See other mammals.
The white fallow deer are not true albino's so they could be a pale recessive red.
Menil is a form resembling common but with brown/red instead of black stripe on back, tail and framing the hind.
This could be an extension- or a brown-mutation. It looks a bit pale for typical brown-mutation.
In the first case Menil plus Melanistic should be self red, in the second case it would be a self brown color.
Both base colors are common so the combination should be common too.
Melanistic deer are not true blacks, they are shades of dark brown without white spots, stripes or belly.

Any insights appreciated.

Bennett Wallabie Calculator (Kangaroe, dutch only)

NL: Aangezien witte wallabies zwakker zijn kun je ook gebruik maken van split dieren.
EN: Since white wallabies are weaker you can experiment with splits.

Chipmunk Calculator (Eutamias sp.)
The white chipmunks still have visible pattern. Gene symbols not official.

Streifenhörnchen Calculator (Eutamias sp.)
Die weissen Streifenhörnchen haben immer noch Streifen. Gensymbole sind nicht offiziel.

Gouldian Amadine Calculator (Lady Gouldian Finch, Gould's Amadine)
Gouldian Amadine Calculator with linkage
Thanks to Crystal,
Voor meer informatie: (dutch bird board)

The link above is to website with a genetic calculator of it's own and a color designer to show the effect of combined mutations!

Zebravink Calculator (Zebrafinch, dutch only, usage is confidential)
Zebravink Calculator (Gekoppelde overerving)
NB: Geen crossing over percentages voor de geslachtsgebonden genen grijs/bruin en bleekrug/masker.
Pastel is autosomaal en dominant en lethaal in fokzuivere toestand.
Het eigenlijke Bleekrug fenotype is bleekrug mutatie gecombineerd met masker mutatie.
Grijze zebravinken worden doorgaans phaeomelanine gereduceerd gekweekt en bruine eerder phaeomelanine intensief.
De plaatjes tonen dit maar door kruising kan dit effect verloren gaan.
Gebruik van deze calculator is vertrouwelijk i.v.m. copyright op de plaatjes.
Voor meer informatie: (dutch bird board)

More information on zebrafinch color genetics (Diamante Mandarino): WorldWideZeb (italian/english)
Zebrafinch Calculator Italian (Diamante Mandarino, usage is confidential)
Zebrafinch Calculator Italian (With Linkage)
Zebrafinch Calculator English (usage is confidential)
Zebrafinch Calculator English (With Linkage)

Japans Meeuwtje Calculator (Bengalese, dutch only, usage is confidential)
Bleekvleugel is een selectie van Pastel met wat donkerder hoofdpartij.
Er bestaat vermoedelijk ook een autosomale ino variant, maar die is niet te onderscheiden van de combinatie bont plus geslachtsgebonden ino.
Gebruik van deze calculator is vertrouwelijk i.v.m. copyright op de plaatjes.
Voor meer informatie: (dutch bird board)

Button Quail Calculator (Chinese dwergkwartel, Coturnix chinensis)
Note: Splashed is a selection from whites allowing colored feathers portions.
Recessive White breeding lines often carry Dominant Pied mutation (and vice versa),
so crossing White with Non-Whites can lead to pied offspring and Pied to Pied can sometimes produce whites.
Blueface is in fact a semi-dominant mutation. Double factored it is darker.
Completely Black phenotype (?) and Pink Eyed Dilute mutation are not covered yet.
Voor meer informatie: (dutch bird board)

Thanks to:Martin Yardley, Dana Manchester, Armin Kühne -
Pictures:Martin Yardley, Armin Kühne

Japanese Quail Calculator (Japanse kwartel, Coturnix japonica)
Note: Silver and Golden combinations are hypothetical, as is the general calculator.
Pied double factor (DF) is often called English White, single factor (SF) is called Tuxedo.
Under revision.

Japanese Quail Calculator, US version (Japanse kwartel, Coturnix japonica)
This version uses some fancy colornames like Tibetan for Tenebrosus,
Manchurian for golden (DF), Italian for gold speckled (SF).
Note that Brown and cinnamon are not common in the US, but Roux mutation, on the same gene as Brown, is.

Voor meer informatie: (dutch bird board)

© international dove society

Diamond Dove Calculator (Diamantduif)
Remarks: There are no true white diamond doves. Reds and ultra-reds are selections of Cinnamon.
White Tail heterozygotes are often called White Rumps.

Ringnecked Dove Calculator (Lachduif / Ringeltaube / Streptopelia risoria)
Based on (click picture) and Rasek's Ringnecked Dove Calculator (see below).

Lachduif Calculator (NL)
Nederlandse versie gebaseerd op het online boek "De Lachduif" van Hein van Grouw.

Plug-in Calculators:

Plug-in Chicken Calculator (Many more genes added)

Plug-in Kip Calculator (Nederlandse versie, veel meer genen toegevoegd)

This module includes "Explain Phenotype" functionality, a sortable ColorSummary Grid and "Crossings Report" Feature
for documenting your projects as a webpage.
Includes Creeper, Crest, Frizzle, Naked neck, Silky, Comb-types, Eartuft, Beard/Muff, Henny feathering, Footfeathering (simplified), Vulture hocks, Rumplessness.
Footfeathering is 2 genes with dominant alleles and 1 gene with a rare recessive allele for foot feathering.

Plug-in Chicken Calculator Design Wizard (Demo)

The new Chicken Calculator Flagship is organized in tab pages and has even more features:

Plug-in Chicken Calculator with Tab-view and Tree-view (Many more genes added)

Plug-in Kip Calculator met Tab-pagina's en Boomstructuur-view (Nederlandse versie, veel meer genen toegevoegd)

Plug-in Hühner Kalkulator mit Tab-view und Tree-view (Viele Gene zugefügt)
You can also click on tabs...
to choose the parents of your cross to choose the parents by color summary of the cross in sortable table phenotypes tree view genotypes genotypes punnet square gene info table crossing report recall previous selected animals

Extended Rabbit Calculator (Demo)
Includes simplified genetics for red enhancer, silvering, blue eyed white, the newly discovered lutino (see picture) and wideband (eg. Black and tan).
Extended Rabbit Calculator Design Wizard (Demo)

Extended Pigeon Calculator (English version, Demo)
Example genes: Gimpel/Arch angel copper/bronze (koper), Baldhead pied pattern, Almond series, Opals, Kite, Reduced, Icy.
Limitation: The effect, that added genes behave differently under recessive red or spread or so, can not be taken into account.
Gimpel is covered by Spread, some Whiteshield genes only work under recessive red (see remark below).
Gimpel copper (or any red) can be diluted to "gold" by the "Pale" mutation dp, an allele of the sex-linked Dilute locus D.
This allele dilutes less than the allele dilute d. Black is only little affected (flattened) while dilute d makes it Dun.
Recessive to wildtype D+ but dominant to dilute d. Although the combination pale/dilute resembles full dilute.
Gimpel is pre-prepared in the standard pigeon calculator.
Therefor the phenotype effect is shown in the standard color description (between round brackets)
whereas other added genes' effects are shown on a separate line or between square brackets [ ].
Both/all added effects are not shown in the pics.
Almond series is a sexlinked incomplete dominant series of mutations. Dosage effect (only in males) is hard to implement in the calculator.
So the light homozygotes and the classic heterozygotes are grouped together.
The hemizygous females look like the classic heterozygote males.

Extended Pigeon Calculator Design Wizard (Demo)

The pied genes of the pigeon remain a mystery. Still I made a little tool to experiment with, a Pied Pigeon Designer if you like.
For the unknown genes I provided a dominant AND a recessive allele for most scenarios. None are implemented as sexlinked though.
Use the wizard to adjust.
Some pied patterns I have dissected as independent of their complex pattern.
For instance the "Huhnschecke"-pattern, a white neck/flight(=wingtip)/belly type pattern.
With this tool you could explore unknown combinations of the hypothetical pied genes.
No guarantees given that you could breed them in reality of course.
Some neighbouring effects I have implemented as enhancing each other, the combined white area being bigger than both separate.
Exercise: Try to approach the "Lahore"-pattern.
Let me know if you know/find any facts that contradict (or confirm) any of this (mail to "spmdmp at").
Whiteshield (and possibly Whitebelly) on non pigeons might be selections on a grizzle like factor.
These are hard to breed consistently and not implemented here.
Magpie is probably allelic to recessive white, or even an expression of heterozygous recessive white. Not fully understood yet.

Pied Pigeon Calculator (Hypothetical)

Finally: the Next Generation Pigeon Calculator ! (BETA BETA BETA to be revised)
This one includes the Arch angel/Gimpel and Icy mutation, for these produce clear and strong colors.
The Toy stencil complex of genes are not implemented as one single gene here, but as 3 genes, 2 dominant and 1 recessive.
Also implemented is an effect on Recessive Red. Note the resemblance with the Rec.Red only Whiteshield gene mechanism!
The pictures are generated by layering one effect upon another. There will be some tweaking in the future.
Dilution for instance is accomplished by an opaque overlay of white (black => dun) or yellow (black => brown, red => yellow).
The color tones may be way off or exagerated, but should be an indication of the gene effects.
The pied genes have been included also, see previous paragraph.
Please use this calculator with caution, keep it a secret until further notice.
The amount of illustration should be much higher than the standard calculators, but some subtle effects can not be shown.
Only use the word "white" in added genes for "full white" to not interfere with the pied gene handling.
The most common genes can be added by "hyperlinks" at the bottom of the page.
The layering, opacity and flipping of the images is done on the webserver by PHP, so don't overuse.

Pigeon Calculator NEXT GENERATION (BETA)

Extended Canine Coat Color Calculator (fully featured, no genes added)
Extended Canine Coat Color Calculator (fully featured, genes added)
Radiobutton layout, includes Tabview, Treeview, Browse by picture, short gene/locus explanation plus pictures, etcetera.
This is in fact a wildcard module but with the limitation that you should not greatly alter or delete the base genes (descriptions only).
Language can be set to dutch or german instead of english.
Includes pedigree tracking.

Extended Canine Coat Color Calculator Design Wizard (Genes added)

Now let's plug it in !!!

Op aanvraag kan ik een 1e generatie calculator geschikt maken om de zelfbouw-module in te pluggen.
Je kunt dan zelf genen aan die calculator toevoegen met de wizard. Er zijn wat beperkingen.
De gen/locus-namen mogen niet overeenkomen met de bestaande en de plaatjesmap moet leeggelaten worden of naar een zinnige map wijzen.

By request I can adjust a calculator from the first series to pick up genes from the querystring as for self built calculators.
You will be able to add extra genes to that calculator. Limitations: the gene symbols can not be duplicates of the genes/loci
already used in the page. Picture folder should be left empty or should point to a valid folder.

Radio button layout:

Rasek's layout Calculator Design Wizard (Beta-version)
Both layouts and the standard layout can also be switched at runtime.
Regitz's layout Calculator Design Wizard (Beta-version)

The Agouti monster: Goat Coat Color Calculator (Geit / Ziege)
White goats except the dominant white Angora are very pale cream animals. Dominant black is uncommon except in the Angora breed.
The Toggenburger goat is a light brown goat with swiss markings and a pale tan-color.
There are over 20 agouti patterns in goats! The tan parts of combined patterns are dominant.

Llama and Alpaca Coat Color Calculator (Lama en Alpaca)
The Llama is the domesticated Guanaco, Alpaca is the domesticated Vicuna. Both South-American relatives of the camels.
The calculator is based on Dr Sponenberg. Brown and most other diluters are probably absent from these species.
Main color influence is the agouti-locus, effects ranging from Pale Shaded Fawn to Black. Like goats in that order of dominance.
Blacks are mostly agouti based recessive blacks. Dominant blacks are rare to absent. Recessive reds are uniform (=self) fawn colored.
Next to a Dominant White the combination Piebald Spotted and Roan (=Grey) gives a Blue eyed white, possibly deaf animal.
Tuxedo spotting is dominant and appears on head, neck and extremities. Not covered is harlequin in Alpaca, called appaloosa in Llama.

New: self made calculator in other layout and with unknown genotyping (Wildcard)

Een veelgevraagde wens is om onduidelijke genotypes in te kunnen geven.
Dat gegeven in combinatie met de layout van Rasek's calculators heeft deze nieuwe module opgeleverd.
Naast de vaste genotypes kun je rechts ervan onbekende genotypes aanklikken.
Er is nu een alternatieve layout volgens Renate Regitz ( Je kunt in de zelfbouwcalculator direct van layout veranderen.
Die layout bestaat uit twee rijen allelen per locus/gen. Na klikken worden ze gesorteerd zodat het dominanste allel in de bovenste rij staat.
Zie de Geit calculator. Geïllustreerd i.v.m. de vele agouti-patronen.

Much requested is the possibility to leave a genotype unknown/open.
That in combination with the layout of Rasek's calculators rendered this new module.
Next to the exact genotypes you can click on fuzzy ones to the right of them.
There is yet another layout proposed by Renate Regitz ( You can switch layout from the self built calculators directly.
This layout comprises 2 rows of alleles per gene. After clicking they are resorted, the most dominant allele goes to the top row.
See Goat Calculator. Has pictures to show the many agouti patterns.

Chicken Wildcard Calculator (Regitz layout, Beta stalking Dam/Sire pics)
Chicken Wildcard Calculator Design Wizard

Rabbit Wildcard Calculator (Regitz layout plus sortable ColorSummary Grid plus Quick Add Gene)
Rabbit Wildcard Calculator Design Wizard (Regitz)

Full circle: Chicken Wildcard Calculator

Dit is een hybride tussen de zelfbouw-module en de kip calculator.
Het beste van beide? Een eventueel wildcard-effect staat tussen de blokhaken [ ] evenals de nog toe te voegen genen.
De oude genen worden nu weer uit de tekst tussen de blokhaken verwijderd. Om zeker te gaan dat de nog toe te voegen genen doorkomen
kun je daarvoor het beste de effect-teksten zonder hoofdletters of geheel in hoofdletters opgeven.
Wijzig je een bestaande tekst, dan is er kans dat het uitfilteren niet meer goed werkt.
Er is nu ongeveer ruimte voor 7 extra simpele genen. Hoe korter de teksten hoe meer genen en combinaties mogelijk zijn.
Als je de grens van ca 2000 characters overschrijdt zal je link niet meer werken. Sommige browsers kunnen meer aan.
Zelfde verhaal voor de konijn-versie. Hier is meer plek voor nieuwe genen. De plaatjes worden nog uit de Breedbook database gehaald.
Daarom kun je de volgorde van de Genen (Gen/Locus info) beter niet wijzigen.
Wel kun je combinaties opgeven die bv verduidelijkend zijn of vertalingen/hobby namen.

This is a hybrid between the self built calculator and the chicken calculator.
Best of both worlds? Wildcard effect and added genes are shown between square brackets [ ].
The "old" genes are removed from that text. To let this continue it is best to enter new effects in complete lowercase or uppercase.
When altering an existing old gene effect the filtering might fail.
There is space now for 7 additional not too complex genes. The shorter the descriptions the more genes and combinations are possible.
If you pass 2000 characters your hyperlink will seize to work. Some browsers support much more characters.
Same story for the Rabbit-version. More space for genes here. Pictures are from the Breedbook database. Different mechanism.
Better not change the order of the Genes (Gene/Locus info).
What you can do is add extra combinations that can show an alternate name or translations/fancy naming.


Wildcards are a difficult and in the above calculators somewhat underwhelming feature. In the following experimental calculators I implemented a different approach:

List based Horse calculator Demo
The base of this calculator is a genotype list in an external javascript file, that can be edited offline by non programmers. Wildcards are an essential part of the list, to keep it short.

CCOOP: experimental Chicken calculator with Wildcards, Crossing-over and Inbreeding coefficient!
CCOOP is a database based wizard that generates object oriented calculator code. It doesn't have the limitations of the querystring based calculators on this page, but still,
complex calculators like a chicken calculator are not easily made. In this case the many incomplete dominant genes that affect the patterns require a true programmed code i.m.o.
Still, this engine is promising...

Wildcards only make sense if you know how to use them. A wildcard against the most recessive allele does not make sense, except with epistasis. They also expire etc...

Crossing Over:

Cockatiel Calculator (Valkparkiet / Nymphensittich / Nymphicus hollandicus)
Based upon Rasek's and's versions including Crossing-over frequencies.
"White Face" is also called Blue. The females have grey cheeks.

Eastern Rosella Calculator (Rosella / Platycercus eximius)
Based upon Rasek's version including Crossing-over frequencies. Just the sex-linked mutations.

Budgerigar Calculator (Grasparkiet / Wellensittich / Melopsittacus undulatus)
Based upon Rasek's version including Crossing-over frequencies. Sex-linked mutation Slate is rare but added for crossing over data.

Grasparkiet Calculator (dutch)
Met dank aan Harwin Klooster. Under construction.

Catharina parkiet Calculator (dutch)
Met dank aan Under construction.
Opmerkingen: gewone groene catharinaparkieten worden misty groen genoemd, evenals de "gewone" turquoise: misty turquoise.
Grijsvleugel DF (dubbelfactor) wordt in de calculator gewoon "Grijsvleugel" genoemd. De enkelfactorige mannen zijn aangeduid met (EF). Vrouwtjes zijn altijd "fokzuiver".

Flexible Crossing Over Calculator Design Wizard

BETA: Self build Crossing Over Calculator

Nu kun je ook voor gekoppelde genen de Crossing Over percentages laten berekenen.
Wel moet alle benodigde data worden opgevoerd. Je koppelt de genen op gen/locus nivo met de keuzelijst aan de koppelingsgroep.
Daarnaast maak je een extra Combinatie met de 2 Gen-symbolen en een Crossing Over-percentage (positief geheel getal, zeker geen komma, geen %-teken).
Het werkt als volgt: Bij de gekoppelde genen is bij de 2 rijen radio knoppen een chromosoom nummer aangegeven.
Bij onafhankelijke genen heeft het geen effect om de bovenste of onderste rij aan te klikken.
Doorkruisen en onthouden moet nu via het kruisingsschema (Punnett square).
Deze module is nog een proefversie.

Now you can add linkage groups of genes in this experimental module to calculate including Crossing Over percentages.
You have to submit all the necessary data for this feature. You can couple the genes with the dropdown list at gene/locus-level.
Next to that you have to make an extra combination with the 2 gene-symbols and a Crossing Over percentage (positive integer, no comma, no %-sign).
It works like this: With the linkage group genes the 2 rows of radio buttons are numbered by chromosome.
For independent genes it has no effect to choose upper or lower radio button.
Continue and remember functionality is via the Punnett square method.
This module is still in testing stage.

Genetic calculators by others:

Genetische Rekenmachine Rasek's Genetic Calculator for 43 species of Parrot-like birds | 43 soorten Papegaai-achtigen | 43 Arten Papagaie und Sittiche

Dove Genetic Calculator 1.0 Rasek's Genetic Calculator for Ringnecked doves | Tortelduiven | Ringeltauben

Human Eye Color Calculator | Oogkleur Calculator (Augenfarbe)
Horse Coat Color Calculator | Paard Vachtkleur Calculator (Pferd)
Gouldian Finch Genetic Color Calculator
Finch Breeder Database (9 species)
Chinchilla Calculator
Kim's Rabbit Hutch - Genetic Color Calculator
Corn Snake Calculator
Gerbil and Hamsterspecies Calculators

Kleurengenerator tamme rat
Kleurengenerator Syrische hamster
Kleurengenerator Russische dwerghamster

Simplified Chicken Calculator with add ons

Fuzzy logic only Chicken Calculator

How to embed Calculator with Breedbook powered colorlists (view source, result formatting methods commented out in code)


Visit my homepage for questions, comments or mail to "spmdmp at"
Excellent Chicken Genetics website by Karen Hall

News and update at (International Chickenboard), fokkerij (Dutch Chickenboard)
Free on line Livestock management programm Breedbook
Free Webmagazine Aviculture-Europe
Tuinvee, Boek: Genetica van de Kippenkleuren, Book: Genetics of Chickencolours


Tabel met Kippengenen (allelen) | Table with Chicken color genes (alleles):

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