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Genetic and other Software Demo overview:

Coefficient of Inbreeding Calculator

Basic COI calculator. You can enter data in the inputfields. Be sure to keep the data in a textfile of your own. It is not stored when you close the page.


Family Pedigree Enter Form BETA

This is an experimental PHP enter form. You can submit your family pedigree to our Database via this page.
In this form you can update the names later without having to update all their offspring (key based table).
The output can be shown as a Pedigree, or as a COI calculator (hyperlinks at the bottom). No direct entrypoint for these or backup yet.
But you can publish your pedigree by means of the id of an individual that you want to keep. Use the hyperlink and copy the URL from the browserwindow.
Make the names unique with dates of birth and/or death, eg. "Henk Meijers born 01-01-1969 death not yet".
The data is accessible by an E-mail address or even better a unique Password that you log in with.
The e-mail address does not have to be valid but it should be unique and rememberable.

Log out for log in PHP versions

Use this to enable log in with a different username/e-mail.

Pedigree only Demo page

This page features the pedigree aspect only. No COI stuff visible. The data up to 4000 characters is kept in a cookie. Still be sure to make your own backups in a textfile!

Brugmansia hybrids browser

©Brugmansia.us hybridizer database. updated 2020

Maltheser testmating

Maltheser testmating ajax demo

Old data


Make your own Determinator

The Determinator is a new tool I made. Anyone can make his or her own (version of a) Determination table for any subject imaginable.
A determination table can be used to find out what you are dealing with by answering question by question until you get to the final answer.
For instance, you see a chicken of an unknown breed. If there were a Determination table available on line,
you would just go there and answer question by question to get to the name of your breed.


This is a black male split for chocolate.
Created by Sigrid van Dort.This is a dark chocolate hen. 
Rich in melanizers.Holland`s HoenkrielhaansteentjeKleintje

Family Picture (BETA)

With this tool you can submit pictures, that you uploaded else on the internet, to our database with the following purpose.
You can make area maps for those pictures and enter a hint tekst (for now) per area.
Finally you can generate HTML-code or URL to publish on your own webpages or webforums.
The method is still pretty coarse. I am brooding how to customize the areas to make precize maps.
New: make an SVG with these coordinates.

Area Map Resizer

With this tool you can convert your painstakingly made area maps to a smaller or bigger size.

World map

With this game you can rehearse countries of the world. Use arrows to scroll the map and click the countries that are asked for.
A few islands and antarctica are missing. Also not a strict geopolitical map.

USA states map

With this game you can rehearse states of the USA. Use arrows to scroll the map and click the states that are asked for.


3D - Maze

My goal was to create a 3D effect Demo. Simple dhtml graphics. Terrible HTML-rendering explains why these techniques never became popular.


Parallax Scrolling Demo

Also a 3D effect, a new web design trend (2011). Best in a fast browser, on a fast machine.


Birds of Europe, Ajax demo

Start typing a few characters and see which birdnames would fit.
English, dutch, scientific and german names appear.

Birds of Europe, Datagrid

This simple javascript datagrid allows sorting, altering column order, hiding of column and recordpaging.
English, dutch, scientific and german names.


Birds of the World by Family

By this page you can browse the 140+ families of birds, and their genus- and speciesnames.
Google image searches are integrated per species for easy comparison. Also calls to wikipedia are prepared.
English, dutch, scientific and german names are given, if available, and you can do an image search based on these.
Google and Wikipedia searches, brilliant as they are, do not always have the desired result.
Genus search by Ajax
Birdname search by Ajax


Compare Birds by Country/Region, eBird api version

By this page you can compare bird checklists by country or region. These were provided by the Avibase database webservice.
The reason for making this application is that, while collecting birdguides that comprise all of the world's bird species,
the regions of the Greater and Lesser Sundas, New Guinea and the Phillipines asked me to buy a lot of expensive birdguides,
and I wondered if the neighboring regions' birdguides that I already had, would cover those regions too.
Still want a good birdguide for that region but meanwhile I am able to visualize the bird species that are spotted in Belgium,
but not in The Netherlands and vice versa. Don't forget to visit Avibase, a great project!


Form with List of Values-page demo

How to call another webpage to fill out form fields.


The Chicken Manager

A simple strategy game to be created: the virtual chickenfarmer.


The Chicken Manager Population Calculator

Same as the chicken manager but without the practical problems of poultry keeping.
Main aspects are the in-built genetic and COI calculators. Colors limited, soon more. Mature age set to 150 days.
You can buy a group of chickens in eg black, blue, splash or recessive white and see what offspring chance gives you.


Chicken Breeds selector

The number of breeds is far from complete. Also more criteria to come.

Cross Breeds Chicken Calculator

The number of breeds is far from complete, as are exceptional colors. Color can be overridden by "Browse" functionality.


Drag and drop Chicken calculator

New demo portal to the old javascript chicken calculator engine. Create parents by dragging and dropping colors on bodyparts. With explain feature.


Drag and drop Javascript Editor

Under construction, no actual javascript output yet. Programming stucture by drag and drop. Only in new browsers that support Array.indexOf


Gene machine, object oriented javascript genetic calculator.

The javascript chicken calculator engine is rebuilt to Object Oriented Javascript.
You can hack this new engine by programming in the editor window. Double click on a word for intellisense/autocomplete.

This OOP code is derived from a C# dotnet version. Open source and available at request. Should be great for Visual Studio!

Fully compatible with the self built genetic calculator wizard. Also supports COI calculation!

Gene machine with Syntax Highlighting

Another version with the brilliant Edit Area Software. Syntax is highlighted and the intellisense works on any selection you make!

Gene machine with Syntax Highlighting and more example scripts, tutorials

Gene machine console with punnettsquare generator.


Chicken Punnett Square as an image!

For easy embedding in webpages or chickenboards. This generates the punnett square nicely formatted.
You can flip the layout. Prerequisites are:

There is also a general punnettsquare generator without phenotype descriptions:


My Genetics Page, Overview page for Genetic Calculators

This page features all versions and all 40+ species of my genetic calculator family. Plus basics of genetics and a lot of facts. Good startpage for genetics enthousiasts.
Also on the page tutorials how to embed/link to the software in your own webpage.


The Genetic Calculator Design Wizard

There are a lot of ways that you can make your own Genetic Calculator. You can copy my open source code javascript and adapt it for your own species.
Furthermore I built a flexible one that can be configured by this Wizard. The resulting configuration data is limited to what a querystring to a webpage can handle. Opera can handle the most.
This configuration data is also fully suitable for the new Object Oriented Engine. There are a lot of runtime modules available including Plug-in modules that also use the old non flexible code.


Genotype-list based Calculator

This calculator needs a minimum amount of information to run. This must be correct data though.
Only order of dominance of alleles and a correctly wildcarded list of genotypes. Picture-support.
This data can be put in an external javascript file and is addressed in the querystring of this calculator webpage.
Instructions on start-up. Try not to use too many wildcards; this will slow down the operation and produce huge amounts of data.
The following examples use a PHP applet that layers, flips and handles opacity for the pictures.
This could be a pain for the webserver, so please use with caution!
Guinea pig, dutch (Use with caution, may be slow)
Dog (Use with caution, may be slow)


Project CCOOP: chicken calculator object oriented programming

While I am rethinking the displaying method for pictures in my older genetic calculators,
I started on a new quest to make a dynamical engine without the restrictions of the flexible calculators mentioned above.
The approach is object oriented and database driven, performance and layout come second.
Cookies are used to remember your crossings from previous sesions. COI calculations and pedigrees will be integrated.
Chicken calculator with Cookies
Chicken calculator with Crossing-Over, Wildcards and Coefficent of inbreeding


Chickenbot "Kippenbotje"

This is a dialogflow based chatbot to analyse the genotype of your chicken that outputs a crossing result in "ticker" style.
There is also a version that runs on facebook called "Chicken genes", which acts as a portal to the chicken calculator, or direct output.


Vue.js based Genetic calculator

Demo based on the Vue.js and JQuery javascript frameworks and the self-built genetic calculator compatible kippenjungle api.


Vue.js based Genetic calculator, Chicken API

Demo based on the Vue.js and JQuery javascript frameworks and the new kippenjungle chicken calculator api. Under construction.


Vue.js based Punnettsquare calculator

Demo based on the Vue.js javascript framework and stand alone/revised logic. Under construction.


Lightweight Vue.js based Punnettsquare calculator, no methods

Demo based on the Vue.js javascript framework. Can't handle sex chromosome mismatches yet, less robust; 3 genes maximum.


Vue.js based Honey bee genetics demo

Demo based on the Vue.js javascript framework. Simplified.


Chicken: Black Blue Splash Dun Chocolate, simplified calculator

Revised javascript code from the old Chicken calculator. Under construction.


Chicken: Blue eggshell / Pea comb Linkage, simplified calculator

Revised javascript code from the old Chicken calculator. With Crossing Over. Under construction.


Tree plotting, phylogeny and pedigrees

Vue.js based Coi calculator

Demo based on the Vue.js and JQuery javascript frameworks and server side COI calculator php webservice. Enter your animals and calculate the coefficient of inbreeding.


Mammals of the World by Family: Flickr

Simple vue.js demo with photos from Flickr group ©Field Guide: Mammals of the World

Mammals list ©Don E. Wilson & DeeAnn M. Reeder (editors). 2005. Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed)

under construction

Mammals of the World by Family: Naturalis

Same but with photos from Naturalis museum, Leiden, Netherlands

under construction

Birds of the World by Family: Flickr

Simple vue.js demo with photos from Flickr group ©Field Guide: Birds of the World

under construction

Birds of the World by Family: Naturalis

Same but with photos from Naturalis museum, Leiden, Netherlands

under construction


Tree plotter

With this tool you can draw a phylogenetic tree.

Tree plotter vertical

Same, but the tree will be plotted vertically. Can be called with parameters in URL.
a Phylogenetic Tree of Pheasant-like Birds taken from Kimball et al 1999
a Phylogenetic Tree of Monocotyledon plants
Versions below are Database-driven:
browsable Phylogenetic Tree of the GalloAnserae
Phylogenetic Tree of the Birds with new scientific insights.
In the Treebrowser below you can expand the Tree without replacing the "outer" Tree with the chosen Branch. Choose "Nest"-hyperlink for this feature.
Layout is best in IExplorer and Firefox but performance is MUCH better in Chrome and Safari. Conspicious Browser differences there!
Phylogenetic Tree of the Passerines (BETA) , also with new scientific insights.
Phylogenetic Tree of the Anas-ducks (BETA) , a version with pictures.


Vue.js based Tree plotter, stubborn method

Demo based on the Vue.js javascript framework. See comments above. Under construction.


Vue.js based Tree plotter, wiki method

Demo based on the Vue.js javascript framework. New table rendering method. Under construction.


Open Tree of Life Web API portal to Vue.js Tree plotter

Demo based on the Open Tree of Life Web API github project.
Their "Newick" notation is simplified to compatible input for the treeplotter. Under construction.

Open Tree of Life Web: induced Tree

Demo based on the Open Tree of Life Web API github project.
Enter a few taxons to generate a phylogenetic tree that links them.
Their "Newick" notation is simplified to compatible input for the treeplotter. Under construction.


Vue.js based Tree plotter, Newick strings

Newick string can name a branch, not just the leaves of the tree. Under construction.

BETA: Newick strings plus distances

Newick string can also describe length of the branch. Under construction.



Vue.js based Kuromasu puzzle/solver

Demo based on the Vue.js javascript framework. Clues generator is under construction. This is a fun puzzle, less tedious than a sudoku.
Kuromasu puzzle/solver with "external" game, other source, advanced level


Vue.js based Kakuro puzzle/solver, with solution

bigger Kakuro puzzle

New editing approach. This is a number/sum crossword puzzle. With editor, see also querystring.


Vue.js based Str8ts puzzle/solver

bigger Str8ts puzzle

Surprisingly interesting variant. instead of sums, the numbers must be in sequence per compartment. Unique numbers per row and column.


Vue.js based Binary puzzle/solver

Binary puzzle with solution

Demo based on the Vue.js javascript framework. Clues generator is under construction. Warning: this is an addictive puzzle.

experimental image to binary puzzle loader BETA BETA BETA

Only 6x6 grids pictures, black and white, not too small or big (tested: jpg,png, 200-400 px, see above). Download pictures first.

experimental more flexible image to binary puzzle loader BETA BETA BETA

Tested for 6x6 8x8 10x10 grids pictures, black and white, or maybe lower contrast, not too small or big (tested: jpg,png, 200-400 px).
avoid strange edging, picture should be a grid and nothing more.


Alphametic solver, generator, puzzles

Early version. Under construction. Same for generator.


Lightweight Tectonic, Suguru Demo

Numbers 1 to as many cells, per group. They can not be next to the same number.

Tectonic, Suguru solver

Tips and hints added.


Lightweight KenKen Demo

Numbers 1 to as many cells are in the width. They must be unique per row and column, and must be valid to form the sum of their cage.


Experimental KenKen Generator


Fillomino (editor)

Fillomino rules



Mini-Sudoku Demo



Skyscraper/Tower Sudoku Demo

3d CSS demo, plus vue.js. 5x5 generator. BETA



Eliminator, sudoku solver

Solves a sudoku puzzle by elimination and pairwise elimination.
Be careful not to enter a wrong number because there is no undo yet.
To be fixed.
New: X-sudoku option. For jigsaw option see vue.js based sudoku demo below.

empty X sudoku

Eliminator, Killer sudoku

This is a so called killer sudoku. Extra overlaying groups replace the given numbers.
Source/solution © killersudoku.nl

editor for killer sudoku

empty Hyper sudoku

empty Hyper X sudoku

Hyper X sudoku

Note: regard the hyper groups as complete killgroups. Completeness is not fully considered by the solver.


Lightweight Vue.js based Sudoku Demo

Vue.js based Sudoku solver

Demo based on the Vue.js javascript framework. Plus a bit of hacking. Under construction.

Jigsaw Sudoku solver

New: jigsaw option. Instead of the 3x3 groups, these 9 cells are irregular dispersed.

new X Sudoku solver


Chess Sudoku solver

Demo based on the Vue.js javascript framework. This is not the so called anti knight sudoku but an interesting variant of 8 cell sudoku.
Can be misused as 8 cell 8x8 sudoku. There may be only one example game in existence yet ;) ©Chris King

Chess Sudoku editor

So with this tool you can make your own. If you found a game however, just enter the 32 numbers of the chess pieces in the parameter of the solver. ?fen=


Knight Sudoku, hard

Knight Sudoku, easy

Demo based on the Vue.js javascript framework. This is the anti knight sudoku.


experimental image to Sudoku puzzle loader BETA BETA BETA

Only tested with the above sudoku picture. See also previous paragraph. Can only read numbers 1-9. Grid and numbers are detected by canvas pixel analysis.

Tesseract based image to Sudoku loader BETA BETA BETA

based on canvas pixel analysis, like previous, but number recognition based on tesseract.js, not my own OCR method.

experimental deskewer and cropper BETA BETA BETA

Note: example image is too dark to be read by Tesseract.

standard Sudoku solver BETA


Greater than Sudoku solver BETA

CSS experiment, with editor. Under construction. The game is a bad example, not a unique solution.


Sujiko solver

Sujiko example

Sujiko example, debug mode

This puzzle takes place on a 3x3 grid with four circled number clues at the centre of each quadrant which indicate the sum of the four numbers in that quadrant.
The numbers 1-9 must be placed in the grid, in accordance with the circled clues, to complete the puzzle. Solver under construction.

Suko solver

Suko solver, debug mode

Same plus killer groups. BETA. Solver under construction. Querystring is example how to use the parameters. In debug mode use Force button to step solving.

Suko editor


Lightweight Sujiko player

Vue.js based, no Methods used!


Miscellaneous games

Stratego with example game

Demo based on vanilla js, drag drop by ©Ania Kubow. Example games from ©Gravon database.
Icons, made/copied myself, from my Oracle forms multiplayer version that played via the database.
Here there is a dummy automove function (to be improved) to make a working demo. Bugs galore, probably...

Stratego to be set up with your own army


Candy Crush game based on html Drag and Drop

Demo based on vanilla js version by ©Ania Kubow



Simple vue.js demo with limited kippenjungle themed words.


Vue.js based 2048 game

Demo based on the Vue.js javascript framework. No "game over" detection or score keeping yet. Under construction.


Vue.js based 2048 game, revised code

Demo based on the Vue.js javascript framework. No "game over" detection or score keeping yet. No table elements. Under construction.


Tetris, in object oriented javascript

This simple tetris game is best played in a fast browser. Iexplorer is a bit on the slow side.
The code is still a bit redundant. To be fixed.


Lightweight Vue.js based Tetris Demo

Start with down arrow. Up arrow turns the Tetromino.



The classic Sokoban game with editor!
Push the boxes onto their destination and move on ...
You can create your own puzzles and save it to URL to publish on the internet. New: solver, BETA.
Pictures are borrowed and the games are copied from Boxworld by ©Jeng-Long Jiang.


Lightweight Sokoban demo

Lightweight, Vue.js based version. Move by clicking. RSI warning.


Lightweight Sokoban demo, no Methods

Lightweight and no methods, Vue.js based version. Move by clicking. RSI warning.



Sokonumber demo, Vue.js based version. Move by arrow keys. All numbers move at the same time, place them on their spots. 25 levels. BETA


Lightweight Pacman demo

Vue.js based, Lightweight and no Methods, except for the ghosts. Move by clicking. RSI warning. You have one life for now, and 10 free pellets.


Haunted Mirror Maze

Demo, Vue.js based. Deduce Ghosts, Vampires and Zombies. BETA


Theseus and the Minotaur (editor)

BETA. Theseus has to escape the Maze from the Minotaur. The Minotaur is twice as fast, but not too clever...

Theseus and the Minotaur mazes


Ricochet Robots (editor)

BETA. The Robots move in available direction till stopped. Get to the exit...

Ricochet Robots mazes


Minesweeper demo, no Methods

Vue.js based, no Methods, CSS heavy. Cascade is imperfect. Refresh for new game.



A preparation for further dhtml game experiments. New simple game invented by me.
Go to the exit but remember where you are, because you become one of many ...
You can push the others away, they can't do that. When you are stuck or in a new field you are shortly revealed.


Cryptraider, Boulderdash

For those that hate stress: this clone of "sokoban on gravity" has no time limits, level thresholds, fireflies or mummies.
Still a few loose ends compared to the original, and only a few levels, but you can make your own.
Best played with Google chrome or Firefox.


Pyramid Builder

Same as Cryptraider but with additional sloped building blocks for additional clues in the puzzle.


Puzzle Boy

This variation on sokoban/boulderdash is about large blocks, gaps to be filled and revolving gates to be set correctly.
Goal is to reach the portal to the next level.

Puzzle Boy plus tools/solutions and extra game


Rummikub (Rummy) BETA

Simplified version of this popular game. Play against your computer, the level is "beginner" to "medium".
This is an online and automated version (I have not yet found any of those on the web that didn't need downloading etc...).
The rules are simplified (no beginning threshold or wildcards).
The idea came from a Gathering of Tweakers Programming Challenge: Write a bot that can play Rummikub.
Now you can be one of the players. Arrange your tiles by drag and drop. You play against my php-rummiclient by means of ajax (get-method).
Tested for Iexplorer 7, Firefox, Chrome and Iexplorer 9.
Under construction...



Vue.js based lightweight demo. No methods. Refresh for new combination to deduce.


Sliding puzzles

Rush Hour/Gridlock game based on jQuery Drag and Drop

Demo based on the jQuery javascript framework; jQuery Drag and Drop does not work on Mobile devices, sorry. Under construction.
One simple introduction game, the rest is advanced level! Beta solver.


Klotski solver, depth first search BETA

Experimental Klotski puzzle solver. Similar to Gridlock but Blocks can move all directions if there is room and the exit is below. Under construction.
Pretty slow for now and the moves are very undirected. Play the game at ©Joseph Petitti's

Klotski, player mode

click on piece, then click on free cell to move. example games should take 60-150 moves.

Klotski solver, breadth first search BETA

Better experimental Klotski puzzle solver. Should give shortest solution.

Klotski player

Klotski editor


Sliding puzzle

Demo based on vanilla js


Sliding Picture puzzle

Demo based on vanilla js. You can choose your own picture.


15 Puzzle

Demo based on vue.js. Lightweight, no methods.



Demo based on vue.js. Sort of a 2D Rubik's cube puzzle.



Vanilla.js. Sort of a 2D Rubik's cube puzzle, but turning quadrants, not sliding.


Rubik's cube

Vue.js based Rubik's Cube demo

Demo based on the Vue.js javascript frameworks and skew CSS. Logic is a bit unrefined. Tested in Chrome browser.
Enter form, Fridrich solver ©slammayjammay jsDelivr.com, also portal to Kociemba solvers, and my own experimental brute force "meet in the middle" solvers

Under construction: step by step solver. 7 step Human method automated.

Domino 2x3x3 Rubik's Cube demo

New: BETA Domino option 2x3x3. Instructions and brute force solver.

pocket (2x2x2) Rubik's Cube demo

with more solve instructions, enter form, BETA first level and "meet in the middle" solvers of my own and solver made by ©Pavan Sai Teja Kondaiahgari, hosted by Rapidapi.com

up to 8x8x8 Rubik's Cube demo

Flexible (more refined) logic for unlimited cube size. 2x2x2 up to 8x8x8 for now. Solvers under construction. BETA 4x4 solver in steps (centers, edges, belt, G1, G2, Cube).

up to 19x19 Rubik's Cube demo BETA

Concise layout and logic, new insights. SVG based, unlimited cube size.


Rubik's Cube: colors from Webcam demo

Under construction. My webcam is almost greyscale, so colors are more saturated in screenshot. When pale, orange and yellow can be tricky. BETA

Tracking.js version: colors from Webcam demo

Under construction. My webcam is almost greyscale, so color recognition may be tricky. Turn each face to the webcam, until all 9 facelets are recognized, and it should work. BETA


Sudoku Cube demo

Under construction. Mainly a test to see if the orientation of the numbers is consistent when turning the cube. BETA


Shepherd's Cube demo

Under construction. Mainly a test to see if the orientation of the arrows is consistent when turning the cube. BETA


Super Cube demo

Under construction. Mainly a test to see if the orientation of the centers is consistent when turning the cube. BETA


Rubik's Bandaged Cube demo

Meffert's Bandaged Cube demo

Under construction. Movement is restricted in a cube with fused blocks. But can a (future) brute forcer solve it? BETA


New Movement Restriction method Cube solver BETA

Under construction. When you normally solve a cube, you break your progress to gain new solved parts of the cube. They are restored, but broken nonetheless.
Not with this method. While fixing the cube the fixed parts get "bandaged", and will not be broken again. There are some prerequisites for this, and it is not an easy (speed)solving method.
But the computer can make shortish solutions with this method, without extensive lookup tables. Ballpark Thistlethwaite.


Edge Orientation Demo

Including BETA Domino Reduction (DR) solver, for short solutions, between Kociemba and Movement Restriction (RUbar) method.


2x2x3 cuboid Demo

plus solver


floppy cuboid Demo

1x3x3, plus instructions


1x2x3 cuboid Demo

plus instructions


1x2x2 cuboid Demo

try not to accidentally solve it ...


2x2x4 cuboid Demo

This is a Shapeshifter. New Gui. BETA


Alternative layout, Cuboids

2x2x4, 2x3x4 and 2x4x6, these are shape shifters. New SVG based layout. BETA BETA BETA


Pyraminx Demo

plus instructions, BETA solver. under construction


Master Pyraminx Demo

plus instructions, BETA solver(s). under construction. This the 4x4 Pyraminx.


Professor Pyraminx Demo

plus instructions. under construction. This the 5x5 Pyraminx. new BETA solver. Tricky parity issues.


Jing Pyraminx Demo

plus instructions, BETA solver. under construction. Jing is like a bandaged master pyraminx.


Higher order Jing Pyraminxes, Pyramid towers


Pyramorphix stub

plus instructions, BETA solver, shape detector. under construction. This looks like, but is not, the 2x2 pyraminx.


Pyramorphix SVG experiment

plus instructions, BETA solver, shape detector. under construction. SVG based GUI, to be tested.


Pyrastar SVG experiment BETA

Under construction. SVG based GUI, to be tested.


6x6 Royal Pyraminx BETA BETA

7x7 Emperor Pyraminx BETA BETA

8x8 pyraminx BETA BETA

9x9 pyraminx BETA BETA

instructions under construction. flexible size 3-9. advanced usage, algorithms can be prepared and tested etc...



Well, it's colorful. This is the most simple Megaminx level. Under construction. BETA solver.



GUI from Ruwix.com, portal to my solver. Under construction. BETA solver.


Alternative improved layout, Pentaminxes

Kilominx, Megaminx, Master Kilominx. New SVG based layout, flexible cell addressing: you bring the SVG, we bring the turning mechanism. BETA BETA BETA



GUI widget by ©Twizzle.net. Under construction.


Prism cubes, Pentahedrons


Truncated Pocket cube, SVG experiment

Under construction. SVG based GUI, to be tested.


2x2 Fisher Pocket cube, 3d CSS experiment

Under construction. div, 3d CSS based GUI, to be tested.


3x3 Fisher cube, simulator

Under construction. div, 3d CSS based GUI, to be tested. Parity fix.


3x3 Mixup cube, simulator

Under construction. div, 3d CSS based GUI, to be tested. In this cube centers and edges can be exchanged.

Cutter cube, simulator

Mixup move is compulsory for middle layer.


3x3 Mastermorphix, simulator

Under construction. div, 3d CSS based GUI, to be tested. Parities.


3x2x1 Junior Mental Flop cuboid, simulator

Under construction. div, 3d CSS based GUI, to be tested. In fact a shape shifting 2x2x2 mod.


half step Pocket cube, simulator

Under construction. div, 3d CSS based GUI, to be tested. To better be able to follow the turns of this standard 2x2 Pocket cube.


Interjector cube, simulator

Under construction. div, 3d CSS based GUI, to be tested. Also to better be able to follow the turns, but by means of temporary copies.


Interjector + Shape shifting cube: half-truncated 3x3, simulator

Under construction. div, 3d CSS based GUI, to be tested. To better be able to follow the turns, but by means of temporary copies.


Pocket cube X Dino

Combination of Dino cube and Pocket cube, also named "Super X". Can be used as a plain Dino, then BETA solver. Under construction.


Pocket cube x Skewb

Combination of Skewb cube and Pocket cube, also named "Super Z". Can be used as a plain Skewb, then BETA solver. Under construction.


Little Chop or 24 cube

Resembles Dino cube but no corner turns, edge turns instead. BETA solver soon. Under construction. New GUI. Beta


Helicopter cube

Edge turning 2x2 cube, jumbling only partly implemented. Under construction.


Redi cube

Sort of a 3x3 Dino cube with corners. Under construction. Beta solver.


Fadi cube

Sort of a 4x4 Redi cube. Under construction.


Professor Redi cube, "Ladi"

Sort of a 5x5 Redi cube. Under construction. New GUI. BETA


Pocket + Redi cube

Redi cube combined with pocket = 2x2 standard cube. Under construction. New GUI. BETA. Note: parities.


Tangram cube

Combines corner turns (120 deg) with edge turns (180 deg). In essence a pentahedron morph, so with domino like behaviour. Under construction. BETA solver.


Master Tangram cube

Extra 120 deg turning layer. Afaik a non existing puzzle. Under construction.


Unicorn cube

3x3 and Dino moves, when the alignment permits. Under construction.


Hyper V cube

2x2 and Skewb moves, when the alignment permits. Under construction. BETA

restricted/older Halfturn version


(any) Dino cube

Simple, lattice, and higher order, up to 9x9 Dino cubes. Advanced usage, algorithms can be prepared and tested etc... Under construction. BETA

Lattice cube


(any) Skewb cube

Simple, master, and higher order Skewbs. Advanced usage, algorithms can be prepared and tested etc... Under construction. BETA

Master Skewb cube

Professor Skewb cube

Rex cube mimic


(any) Hybrid Dino cube, 3x3

Simple, lattice, and higher order, up to 9x9 Dino cubes combined with standard moves. Advanced usage, algorithms can be prepared and tested etc... Under construction. BETA


Dino Skewb cube

Also called Fskewb. Asymmetric, part skewb, part dino moves. New GUI. Under construction.


Compy cube

Also called "Shallow cut Dino cube". New GUI. Under construction.


Master Compy cube

New GUI. Under construction.


Face turning Octahedron FTO

GUI widget by ©Twizzle.net. Under construction.


Skewb Diamond simulator

Is a 2 layer FTO. BETA solver. Under construction.


Alternative layout, Face turning octahedrons

Diamond, FTO and Master. New SVG based layout. BETA


Corner turning Octahedron CTO

SVG provided by ©Cubing.net. Behaves like a pyraminx and like a 3x3 morph. Under construction.



20 planes (icosahedron) of 4 facelets, each move encompasses one hemisphere. SVG provided by ©Twizzle.net. With instructions. Under construction.


Edge turning Jing Tetrahedron

SVG and idea provided by ©Twizzle.net. This bandaged master pyraminx can be turned on edges only. BETA solver. Under construction.


Rainbow cube

SVG made by "Family picture" tool above. This is a Dino cube like puzzle with fixed centers. BETA solver. Under construction.


Skewb Ultimate

SVG made by "Family picture" tool above. This is a Skewb like puzzle, but with oriented centers. BETA solver. Under construction.


Rua cube

SVG made by "Family picture" tool above. This is a 180 degrees Face turning Rhombic Dodecahedron puzzle, with limited jumbling. BETA. Under construction.


Tic tac toe and the likes

Tic Tac Toe (Boter, Kaas en Eieren)

Simple javascript version of this ancient game. Play against your computer, the level is "beginner".


Lightweight Vue.js based Tic Tac Toe Demo

Bare minimum rules enforced.

Lightweight Vue.js based Tic Tac Toe Demo, plus winner

Same, plus winner declaration. No methods used!


Lightweight Vue.js based Connect 4 Demo, plus winner

Same, plus winner declaration. No methods used!

Connect 4 Demo, plus autoplay

Same, plus minimax and alpha beta pruning. Those implemented in vanilla javascript


Multi-player Tic Tac Toe Demo

Firebase Realtime database and Vue.js based. One game per Browser session, 2 browser sessions per game.


Tic Tac Toe CSS only

Tic Tac Toe 4x4 CSS only

As a starting experiment for a no javascript (CSS only) version of Reversi. ©Alvaro Montoro

Tic Tac Toe with automove (js)


Reversi (Othello)

No automated moves. Experiment to see if CSS can maintain the state of the game and enforce the rules.
Javascript only to store the last clicked, and submit the form to PHP, that generates the CSS and flips the stones (for now).

Reversi (Othello) with Automated return move

Note: the stones are not flipped directly, so they can be re-flipped in the response. I am considering updating the UI with javascript to avoid confusion.


Three Men's Morris

Three men's morris is a strategy game played on a 3x3 board, that is similar to Tic-tac-toe. A player wins by forming a mill, 3 pieces in a row.

First you set up your 3 stones and then you can move them one step along the lines.

Demo based on vanilla js. Inspired by ©Ania Kubow


Nine Men's Morris

Nine men's morris is a strategy game played on a special board, that is similar to Three men's morris. A player gains by forming a mill, 3 pieces in a row. A stone from the opponent can then be removed.

First you set up your 9 stones and then you can move them one step along the lines, unless you have 3 pieces left, then you can jump.

Demo based on vanilla js. Inspired by ©Ania Kubow


Six Men's Morris, with jumpig endgame

Why not? Just another variation on the theme.

Six men's morris is a strategy game similar to Nine men's morris, less stones, simplified layout. A player gains by forming a mill, 3 pieces in a row. A stone from the opponent can then be removed.

First you set up your 6 stones and then you can move them one step along the lines, unless you have 3 pieces left, then you can jump.

Demo based on vanilla js. Inspired by ©Ania Kubow



Chess box, object oriented javascript chess game

This simple chess application enforces the rules of the game and suggests the moves to make.
New: Automated returnstrike is implemented in parallel processed php;
not very good (or fast) and may burden the webserver (php). Use with caution!
If you are interested in the php script, mail to spmdmp at gmail.com.
The following is not yet implemented: mate detection.
These are implemented: en passant, roccade/castling, promotion, check detection, undo turn.
You can hack the chess engine, with (object reflection) intellisense, by doubleclick on word.


Vue.js based Chess demo

Demo based on the Vue.js javascript framework and the chess engine mentioned above. Simplified, not all rules applied yet. Supports FEN notation. usage ?fen=


Vue.js based Chess demo, without Methods!

Demo based on the Vue.js javascript framework, but only css, html, variables and simple assignments/toggles, no functions or methods. Simplified, not all rules applied yet, no autoplay.


Vue.js based bitboard mini Chess demo

Demo based on the Vue.js javascript framework and the bitboard method of game data representation. To be fully implemented as such.


Vue.js based Knight's Tour demo

Demo based on the Vue.js javascript framework and CSS Only techniques. No javascript/vue assignments, events or methods used!


Janggi, Korean Chess

Demo based on vanilla js, no auto move yet. Highlights current piece, potential targets, and blocks for jumping pieces, threats.


Makruk, Thai Chess

Demo based on vue.js, no auto move yet. Highlights current piece, potential targets.
Note that the "queen" is not a very powerful piece, and the "bishop" is a glorified pawn. Pawns start at rank 3 and promote at rank 6. Western icons.
Beta: the counting system forcing a Draw when one player only has a king left and there are no unpromoted pawns on the board.


Demoti, demoting Chess

Demo based on vanilla js, no auto move yet. Highlights current piece, potential targets, superpower targets, blocks, threats.
New chess variant under development, starting with superpowered pieces that demote on capture.
Introducing the Squire, comparable to the Makruk queen. The Chariot is a superpowered rook with the korean chess Elephant jumps, that can be blocked.


Simple javascript Chess game

Demo based on vanilla js. Simple approach, inspired by ©Toledo Chess. Not implemented yet: check/mate detect, undo move.

Minimax version

Demo based on vanilla js. Similar to the above but with minimax algorithm. Not yet: check/mate detect, undo move.

Alpha Beta pruning version

Alpha Beta (pruning) double rook Endgame

Alpha Beta (pruning) single rook Endgame

Demo based on vanilla js. Same as the minimax but with Alpha Beta pruning implemented. Not yet: check/mate detect, undo move.
Note: the randomizer is compromised by the pruning method. Also experimental sorting of moves may influence move variation negatively.
Pruning is disabled during Endgame. Other Endgame scenarios considered are far from complete. Only this version has endgame examples.

Alpha pruning only experiment

Alpha Beta pruning PHP version with vue.js lightweight client

Demo based on vue js and jquery. Same as the Alpha Beta pruning html version except with the engine on the webserver as PHP. Supports FEN notation. usage ?fen=

Fen PHP version client

Experimental Alpha Beta pruning + PVS version


Simple Blazor Chess game

Under construction. Not yet: (en passant), check/mate detection, endgames etc...
Has implementation of NegaMax with alpha beta pruning. On the slow side compared to the non object oriented javascript versions above.
Same issue with randomizer and move sorting.


Simple Blazor Sujiko solver

Under construction. Not yet: instant error checking...
This is a brute force Sujiko solver.


Simple PyScript Demo: Punnett Square Generator

Under construction. PyScript executes Python in your web browser!


Browser scripts

Geological Era Bookmarklet

A bookmarklet is a hyperlink that executes javascript that can be bookmarked (dragged into bookmarks bar) to be used on any webpage. This bookmarklet appends the geological eons with the mya range.


Fahrenator chrome extension

Simple chrome browser extension that converts a number (in Fahrenheit) that you (mouse) select on any webpage to Celsius via the extension popup. Import the unzipped folder in chrome://extensions, developer mode, and pin the icon on the extension bar.